Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Elements: Experiments in Character Design by Kaycie D.

The following is a sample of artwork done by Kaycie D. as part of a project to create flash cards for the Periodic Table of Elements.
These and the rest of the 118 cards can be found here: http://kcd-elements.tumblr.com/
So if your looking for help in Chemistry or just want some great art work give the site a look.



Once again these cards are created by Kaycie D. and can be found here:

Aquarion Evol: Alicia Sora and Group Shots

Alicia is an actress and the mother of the series protagonist Amata Sora.  She was kidnapped ten years prior to the start of the story.


And finally some group shots.  Hopefully you enjoyed the series.

Aquarion Evol: Zessica Wong

Zessica is outgoing, brash, and confident bordering on arrogance.  She is normally cool-headed but is afraid of ghosts.   Unlike mix she is all for the reintegration of the male and female sides of the academy.  Her elemental power is telekinesis called the 'power of distortion'.