Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One Piece Bonus 2: Nami

Lately it's been tough for me to get new stuff out but I did promise I would try to get a midweek update out so here's my second set of One Piece Bonus pics.

(These pics (all featuring Nami this time around) are taken from the second in a series of One Piece art books that I found online: One Piece Color Walk 2)
Due to slightly limited time constraints, I'm going to keep this entry brief. Once again I'm multitasking chapters working on more than one storyline at a time. As a result my chapter releases this week have been slow. I'll try and have something new for you guys soon.
Ok that's it for tonight.
Enjoy the pics everyone


  1. But cute feet, man. And her eyes aren't too bad either. Once again, another good set of pictures
    you got, KSC.


  2. Nami's one of those girls that has a spicy personality that I really like. Her feet look hot too.

    Thanks for the comments guys.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You're welcome. She's one of my favourites too.

  5. I love big feet so this turns me on
