Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Birds of Prey Bonus 2

Birds of Prey week continues with yet another bonus. This one mainly involves Huntress and Canary but Oracle sneaks in a few times as well.

(Credits: Webfinds featuring artwork from Ed Benes (Pics 1, 2, & 7), Ron Adrian (Pics 3 & 6), Greg Land (Pic 4 & 8), Mariah Benes (Pic 5), Jay Leistein (Also Pic 8))

The only downside of posting a new set of pics is that the dramatic opening of the last bonus gets pushed down. I miss getting kicked in the face by Huntress when I loaded the page. :P This time around the bonus is less foot oriented and more for the hardcore comic book lovers but I did slip in a barefoot Batgirl/Oracle easter egg.

One thing about doing multiple blog entries in a week is the entries become much shorter. In terms of the technical issues I was having with this blog, I solved the paragraph problem (sort of). To get the spaces between paragraphs when I upload pictures, I have to enter the html tags manually.

Since my last bonus I added two Huntress chapters to my Comic Book Foot Fetish interactive story here:
I have two more chapters involving her before I start writing chapters for somebody completely new. (Anyone care to guess who I'll be doing next?)

Tommorow I'm going to be taking a break from working on my comic book interactive to tackle a couple of requested chapters in some other interactives. I've built up a lot of requests but I'll try to get to as many of them as I can. I'll post a new backlog soon. I'll also go for another Birds of Prey bonus update here tommorow evening. (This one's likely to be another bonus involving the girls wearing their footwear but I'll try to throw in a couple of barefoot easter eggs as well.)

Ok...Good Night Everyone!!

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