Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marvel Girls Week: White Queen Bonus

After seeing my tribute to Elektra for not including her in the poll, Emma Frost threatened to psychically give me nightmares unless I give her a tribute as well. Enjoy everyone!!

(These pics are webfinds featuring the artwork of Greg Horn (1-3, 8, 10, 12) , Alex Miranda (5), Ed Benes (9), Randy Green (11) , as well as a from unknown artists (4,6,7))

Emma is definitely a gorgeous woman and the fact that her code name was a chess piece (I love chess) makes me really regret not including her in the poll. I only did it because I wasn't sure she would be popular enough since she's rarely featured in the mainstream movies or cartoons. I had a rather hard time finding barefoot pics of her. She's almost always wearing those sexy white boots.

Ok moving on...there are a couple of chapters that I posted in the last few days. The first is a series of chapters that I'm working on jointly with author StreetFighterDash for his Fantasy De-Booting League interactive. He recruited me to help him out with a couple of matches again and we are currently working on a battle of the April O'Neils which you can view here:
Speaking of the de-booting league, SFD has a new poll up allowing users to pick their favorite of the completed matches at his blog here: http://www.sffan.blogspot.com/ Check it out and vote if you have the chance.

The second set of chapters, was a request that I have been meaning to get to for a long time involving a really cool DBZ Shrinking Interactive. I added a few chapters dealing with Android 18 as a GTS which you can check out here:

Ok that it for today. More tributes will be coming up as Marvel Girls Week continues.

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