Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nami (Bonus)

When it comes to One Piece there's one girl that usually pops into everyones head...the sexy navigator Nami. So there's really no better way than to close out this series of One Piece tributes than with a Nami foot extravaganza. Enjoy everyone!!!

(One again I have the Master of Sole Shots Match25 to thank for providing me with cool pictures for this bonus (including an awesome Nami collage by MasterFoot for Ticklemedia). These pics are taken from various One Piece episodes but the bulk of them are from episode 154)

While Nico's feet are the ones that people would love being a footslave too, Nami's are the kind that that people could spend the rest of their life worshipping. Look at how soft and smooth her soles and imagine how nice it will feel having them rubbed against your face. :-D

Ok...on an important sidenote...One Piece episodes seem to be pretty easily obtainable for me so if there are any good foot scenes that you want to see me post, just tell me the episode number and I will try to cap it.

Anyway, I hope everyone liked these tributes to the series and as usual more to come soon!!-KSC


  1. it would be a dream come true to be able to worship both Nami and Robin's feet

  2. You know, I had a funny feeling that Nami was the one you were talking about. I guess it's true. I congratulate both of you, KSC and match25, for putting this all together. And it looks like the collage now has a place on the web, even if it's not on dA, but I digress. I surely would love to see how those meaty soles feel against my face, and I know I'm not alone on that one.;-) Keep on bloggin, you two. No, really.

    Daniel Wickie

  3. Wow I just posted these...you guys were fast.

    Yeah I agree with you Match. Throw in Vivi and Ms. Valentine into the mix and it would be one piece girl overload.

    Thanks DW...I'm glad you liked them.

    Working with the One Piece girls feet all day has left me in need of a cold shower again.

  4. By all means, shower freely. But don't use up all five of our lakes (if you live near them), okay man?


  5. also for anyone that cares, when Nami is jumping out of the boat she has 6 toes on her right foot

  6. Oh yeah. I noticed that little continuity error too. But it would still be nice sucking on six toes, though.

  7. true, that just means more to love

  8. I'll try to conserve water but it will be difficult considering how sexy those One Piece girls are. ;-)

    Wow...sharp eyes guys. I didn't catch that until Match told me about it.

    Were you guys able to spot anything unusual about the Jessie pictures I posted? ;-)


  9. collage is not from deviant art, but from that site http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?p=424319&highlight=nami#post424319

    by masterfoot (ME :-))

  10. Oops...my mistake. I didn't realize where it was from. I'll edit my entry. That collage is very impressive. You did an awesome job on it Masterfoot.

  11. Also if you feel uncomfortable with me posting it here...just let me know and I will remove it. Cool collage nonetheless.

  12. Let me get this straight. Masterfoot was the one who made that Nami collage and it wasn't from deviantArt?

  13. El gasp! I have discovered the mistake of Jessie. In picture #10, she's only got four toes on her left foot. I never noticed it until now.

  14. *Blushes embarassed* I might have misinterpreted based on comments. When you guys were talking about a collage banned from Deviant art that Match posted...I assumed that it was this one that he sent me. I didn't get the chance to see it beforehand so I don't really know.

    However this collage is signed by MasterFoot and it looks like it has been posted on ticklemedia for a while. Also in addition to his own work, Match sends me fanart and clips for me to cap also so I probably misunderstood where this one came from.

    Long winded explanation I know. Basically it means I messed up and I completely apologize for it.

  15. Yup...Congratulations Kyle!! You're the first viewer that caught that animator's mistake with Jessie. Nice Job!!!

  16. ok just incase anyone is accusing me of plagerism i never said i made it. i have stated i found it and it was a great piece of work dedicated to the lovely feet of Nami and i wanted all the other barefoot beauty lovers to enjoy it. You did great work Masterfoot

  17. Yeah...I didn't mean to suggest that either Match and I'm sorry for putting you in an uncomfortable position.

  18. alright, just glad everyone gets to enjoy such a great piece of art

  19. Nami Is Hot! Her feet are really Sexy. Well Done Guys!

  20. Match, I just want to say that I never said you plaigarized someone else's collage, let alone accuse you of it. What I'm trying to say is I know you didn't steal masteroot's work. What you did was kind of like what YouTubers do. They only post episodes and stuff from movies/television only so that people can enjoy it. ANd they're not even doing it for money. So don't worry, Match. We're still good. Have a nice day, man.

    Daniel Wickie

  21. thanks Kyle, but once again i have to say that is a great piece of art Masterfoot

    also i dont know why this came to me but wouldnt foot guys be perfect boyfriends, as we would literally worship the ground our gf's walk on lol

  22. I think so too. In my opinion, feet are often the most overlooked part of a woman's body. Even when she asks a man to do something to her feet for her, like a foot rub or whatever, most guys don't even do it willingly. But there are many out there who would. And the ones on this website are such people. I even have a pair of soles at home that are on my couch, almost begging to take care of her feet. But I need no second bidding, especially not from her. But as for what we do (foot related), that is not your business. Anyway, I think foot fetishists would make great sweeties. Thanks for bringing that up, Match.

    And you're reading this KSC, take note of it.

    Daniel Wickie

  23. I'm glad you think so too, Stefan. And I think my girlfriend would agree also.


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Good to hear, boys. We foot fetishists have to stick together. We're like brothers, you know. And sisters, to any girls who may be reading this.;-)

    Keep on blogging, everybody!

    Daniel Wickie

  26. lol wouldnt it be interesting of this blog somehow turned into a dating sight for girls that love to have their feet worshiped

  27. *laughs* If that happened, I'd never leave this site alone.

  28. neither would i... just curious though, is Kyle, KSC and I the only ones who post anything?

  29. For the most part but there have been ocasional comments from other users every once and a while. A foot fetish is a very personal thing and a lot of the readers here are pretty shy (which is understandable since I'm a pretty shy guy myself) and/or don't have blogger accounts.

    That's not to say that I haven't received a lot of support with this site from others. Because this site is pretty tightly linked with my writing account (I originally started this to post back up pictures to some of my stories), a lot of users prefer to e-mail my writing account personally. There have been many people who have taken the time to e-mail me and offer me some kind words of support. A few have even given me scenes and pictures to post here. I definitely appreciate that a lot as well.

    I'm even grateful to those quiet supporters who have taken the time to vote in my poll. I may not know who they are, but it's nice to know that people are actually reading this.

    As for you and Kyle...the reason why I have been posting so often here recently is because of you guys.It's been a blast conversing with you and I hope to continue doing it in the future.

    Thanks guys.

  30. Likewise, KSC. And you're right about the other people on this site. A foot fetsh is a very personal thing for those that have one. Although there are those that are out of the closet like you, me, Match, and Stefan, the majority keep it to themselves. And I respect that. Everyone has something they have to hide, lest people think less of them. But I know that all who do those eventually come out of that closet. Just like I did. And in my opinion, it's a blessing.

    What I'm trying to say is it's quite okay for people to have closet foot fetishes, and I don't blame them. But like I said, they all eventually come out when they think they're ready. In the meantime, for any who are reading this, be as shy as you want. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

    That's what I think, KSC. And always remember that you're not alone in this world.

    With more sincerity than possible,
    Daniel Wickie

  31. Nicely put DW. From my own experience... it was years before I felt comfortable enough to post anywhere so I'm pretty sympathetic to that situation. I know everyone has to handle their fetish in their own way and I encourage them to do whatever makes them feel most comfortable. Basically just have fun guys ;-)

    Also thanks for the warm words of support Kyle and you're definitely not alone either.

  32. my foot fetish was actually quite strange, as i remember i had one when i was before ten, then forgot about it, but reremebered it when i was 13. i dont know how that happened but glad to find a site filled with others with the same appreciation for such lovely soles as i do. (ps i am 20 atm, actually about to be 21 by the end of this month)

  33. What day is your birthday, Match? Curious, that's all.


  34. the 25th of this month, im going to Vegas!

  35. Vegas, you say? Well, I sure hope you see a lot of nice feet down there. Since it's in a desert, you'd think the women would wear lighter clothing, especially open toed foot wear. BTW, will you still be using a computer while you're there - a laptop or something?

    Daniel Wickie

  36. yes i will, this thing is practically handcuffed to my arm LOL. true there is bound to be alot of sweet bare female feet there, maybe i will find a pair there to worship

  37. Sounds like you'll be celebrating your 21st birthday with style Match ^_^...good luck man.

  38. in vegas im going to need all the luck i can get. And i do hope so

  39. Well since you're taking it with you, keep checking your dA page and frequently, Match. I'll have something for you sometime on the 25th of September. And since you're watching me, there's a good chance you'll easily find your present. I think you might like it. :D

    I also wish you luck in scoring with a woman and getting the chance to have some fun with her feet in Vegas. ^_^ Not only that, you can now booze freely.

    Daniel Wickie

    PS: Funny how you're going into a city in the desert to celebrate turning twenty-one. I did the same thing when I celebrated mine in Nakaibito, New Mexico with some of my grandmother's kin. Quite the coincidence, huh? Have a nice time, man.

  40. we cant help but head to the desert, thats where all the beauties wear sandals lol

    and thanks, cant wait to see the bday present u get me

  41. You won't be disappointed. I assure you. It will have someone you know very well in it.
