Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Maho Tsukai Tai: Aikawa (Bonus)

As promised here is the other half of these caps. Enjoy!!!

(Once again a big thanks to BBB for capping this hottie from Maho Tsukai Tai)

This girl's soles sure are fun to stare at ^_^...have a good night everyone.



  1. They sure are, KSC. :D And I personally think it's funny how it says "Desolee" in cap #2. Her toes are good looking too.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. mmm so many more lovely soles to add to my personal collection

  3. Hello, why is this place so quiet now a days?

  4. Calm before the storm...I'm currently putting together a multi post series involving the sexy pirate girls clips you sent me. ;-) Hopefully it will be ready to post soon.

    Also received great other sets of caps that should be very exciting to post. :-D

  5. arrrg we will find the booty of barefoot beauties LOL

  6. Pirate girls? Are you talking about those from One Piece?

    Sorry for replying late. I was still cleaning up Thanksgiving dinner. =P

  7. Out of curiosity, how does Thanksgiving work in Canada and when is it? In the states, it starts in late November. It sounds like we eat the same food though. Which is making me kinda hungry.

    As for the pirate girls being the One Piece girls...yup and all four of them are posted now...enjoy :-D

    Well I'm gonna go grab lunch. For some reason I'm in the mood for turkey. *Stomach growls* ^_^

  8. Oh they are? Then I must take a look see.

    That being said, I'll answer your question. In Canada, Thanksgiving is an annual one-day holiday where we give thanks for what we have before the harvest ends, same for in the U.S. And just like the States people do, we eat pretty much anything they would eat on Thanksgiving. However, ours is actually a secular holiday, for it is always celebrated on the second Monday in October. This year, as you might or might not have noticed, Thanksgiving was on October 13th. But I do not know what you mean by "how does it work".

    Speaking of October, how's Tabernacles going, my friend?

  9. Ah...thanks for the thorough answer. ^_^ You basically gave me everything I was trying to find out. Sounds like you also had quite the delicious meal to celebrate.

    Tabernacles is going good. My family doesn't really do much to celebrate it(we're not that religious). But the Synagogue down the block from my house has a tent all set up to commemorate the holiday.

  10. So you've heard of the Cajun Turkey I made? If you were there, you would've liked it for sure. :D

    I'm glad that Tabernacles is going well in your community. Though, I don't know where you are, citywise. And in case you're wondering how I knew about Tabernacles, I found out that it started the same night as Thanksgiving (Oct. 13th) and it ends tomorrow night at sunset. And next year, it'll begin on October 2nd and end on the 10th, at sunset, of course. And one lst thing, does your family wave The Four Species around?

    Daniel Wickie

  11. You cooked it yourself? Wow...that does sound really delicious. I live in New York in case you were wondering. Four species :) No the extent my family goes to celebrate Tabernacles is lighting memorial candles on the last day you've definitely done your homework on this holiday. Impressive!!
