Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Shuffle!!

You didn't think I would skip updating twice in one week did you? Well not if I could help it anyway. :-D I'm still getting my Halloween bonuses together but here's a couple more Shuffle shots for you to stare at instead.

(Actually, I have to give a big thanks to Match25 (Our resident Master of Sole Shots) for giving me a sexy set of sole caps to post while you guys were waiting. Without his help, I probably wouldn't have been able to post anything until Friday.)

Ok...have a nice night everyone and as usual...more to come soon!!!



  1. Match sure knows how to "Shuffle". *chuckles* Good pics as always, KSC. :)

    Daniel Wickie

  2. BTW, did you read my past comment in the post about the teachers?

  3. I did. :-D Fortunately they didn't kill me. I did have to stay after school though. ^_^

  4. The other last comment?

  5. Yep, that settles it. You love girls with green hair. :D

  6. Yup... and she's definitely a nice piece of evidence for my green haired girl = hotness theory.

  7. And what green haired girl would that be?

  8. More than one. ^_^ I listed then out when I posted Amuro.

    It included Morrigan, Tira, Lynn, Saria and CC.

  9. that and she is also a Tomboy, a double hitter there

  10. You know, I have a gif of all these frames... Lower res though, of course.

  11. A what? And who are you?

  12. awesome, i should watch shuffle soon.
    Halloween bonus yay x)
    a bonus on my bday xD
    now halloween really will be the best day ever

    hmm what is it about girls with green hair, what makes their soles so awesome x) who knows , but i sure aint complaining

  13. Oh Happy birthday Lawliet!! ^_^

    As for the green haired girls, I wonder the same thing too and having a green haired tomboy is definitely a deadly combination Match.

    I was impressed with these caps as well King UTA. Match did a great job of getting these caps to feel like her soles were right in your face.

  14. if she was in a Kimono as well i think there will have to be a warning about not looking directly into the picture in fear of ones brain melting to pleasure LOL

  15. What are you talking about, Match?

  16. Ohhh again!! Awesome shots Match!! Ahhhhrhhrhrhrrhhr

  17. think about it, a barefoot green haired tomboy in a kimono. just thinking about it is making me go into a daze

  18. Why would a kimono put you in a daz, Match? I would understand if she was barefoot in the kimono, but otherwise, you lost me.

  19. your not attracted to a girl a kimono? how is that possible as a kimono can make a girl look incredibly beautiful where with a simple modification can make the woman very sexy

  20. Oh. Since you put it that way, I guess a tomboy in a kimono really would make her more attractive. I guess I got a little confused there. You know, what you said reminds me of a scene in Azumanga Daioh where the tomboy in the series, Kagura, said that her kimono was bought by her father when she said she really wanted one. She even went so far as to say that he was overjoyed at her request. Not only that, but Kagura indeed looked beautiful in it. Thanks for reminding me Match.

    Daniel Wickie

  21. My friends, I am King Uta. I've been around for a while, but neglect to post. I don't have a need to get involved. But as I said, I have a GIF, an animated version of the sequence of frames. Surely you know the format?

  22. mmm Kimonos are definitely very hot. :-)

    Nice to meet you King Uta. ^_^ Seeing that girl kick around in animated form sounds pretty cool.

    Many happy returns Lawliet!!

  23. how bout red hair girls from shuffle?
