Monday, May 4, 2009

New One Piece Opening

Once again I find myself posting here in a hurry. With my finals in full swing...this is gonna be an extremely busy week. ^_^; Anyway, the new opening of one piece offers a little bit of a treat as far as Nami is concerned. ^_^

(A huge thank to the Legendary Master of Sole Shot Match25 for finding, capping and sending in these scene)

Talk about starting a show off on the right foot. ^_^ This hot peek at this sexy pirate's soles is guaranteed to increase One Piece's viewership tenfold.

Alright everyone I know I said I'd have a new wave of spotlights for you but I'm afraid I'll have to delay them just a little longer. I have have them ready next time for sure. ^_^;

Ok before I rush off to a study session, let me also give a really quick shoutout to Kyle Vero (AKA Daniel Wickie)...Happy Birthday Man!!

Next up...a couple of tributes to some of the hot animated women of Science Fiction.


  1. I remember this opening. Seeing the part with Nami's soles facing up was the shit. This was a nice little thing to see on my birthday, Triton. Thanks man. :D

    And by the way, I'm having a good one so far. :)

  2. it surly makes me want to watch the new episode as soon as possible

  3. Nice. I really should get this series...

  4. Well make sure you get it Subbed,SoleKeeper.

  5. If you're refering to the 4Kids dub, Stefan, they hardly have those on DVD.

  6. The problem with getting this series is the sheer number of episodes. Oh, and looking at the screenies... That guy eating the banana is surely having a great view... ^_^

  7. Oh yeah...that guy is definitely lucking out. ^_^

  8. I'm talking about both dubs,Kyle

  9. as long as they keep making one piece episodes i have a feeling theres going to be a lot of sole shots from nami

  10. one of the main reasons im still watching the series. ah how i still love the day when she finally showed off a clear double sole shot just as she was getting out of the boat in Skipiea

  11. Of course you were.

  12. you make it sound like it was a bad thing Kyle

  13. i remember that skipiea scene very well and i wont be forgetting it anytime soon.

  14. That one of my favorite scenes too. ^_^

  15. its too bad they messed it up by giving her six toes on her right foot though, but to look at the glass half full that just means there is more to love
