Friday, July 10, 2009

Psychic Academy (Bonus)

One of the great thing about this anime is that it has one of the best openings a foot fetishist could possibly hope for with a gorgeous closeup on the bottom of the feet of the female lead...a gorgeous redhead named Myuu.

(A huge thank you to Cart28 for tipping me off to off to this awesome scene)

Talk about starting off the show on the right foot. When I first saw the closeup on her sole...I must have stared at it for 20 minutes before remembering that I was supposed to cap it. ^_^; That's definitely one way to attract an audience.

The Psychic Academy anime is based on an 11 volume manga. It's structure is a little different in that its episodes are only 10 minutes long and they were originally aired over the internet. It's also only 24 episodes long. Except for the one episode where I got these caps from, I haven't had the chance to watch it yet but from what I've looks like an entertaining anime with an exciting plot, great cast of characters and a healthy amount of fanservice. I definitely recommend checking it out if only to encourage more anime openings like this one. ;-)

I have to say that Myuu looks really attractive. She kind of reminds me of Lunamaria Hawke from Gundam Seed with the added plus that we get to see her without her boots on. I also love the way her eyes sparkle. It's definitely a nice touch by the animators. In addition to that I found out from Wikepedia that she has Fire Aura powers which just makes her all the more hotter in my eyes. Needless to say I'm taking a cold shower after posting this.

Ok everyone, that's basically it for tonight but as usual more to come soon!!


  1. ive suddenly become interested in a new anime lol

  2. Great content as usual KSC, keep em coming!


  3. Whoa! Awesome indeed! I gotta find this series. ^_^

  4. Nice, I should check this anime out since I love psychics (Especially Jean Grey, Psylock and Sabrina ^_^)

  5. Now that you mention it... *stares at Myuu* she kinda does remind me of Lunamaria, except alot more calm and without boots on XD

  6. Thanks guys.

    Psychic girls definitely rock Breakthewalls.

    She's really hot Cart28. Thanks again for introducing me to her.

  7. No problem dude! Just glad to help :D

  8. I left you an "email" at It's about a couple feet scenes from an anime that, surprisingly, I didn't find featured here.

  9. Thanks very much for those scenes Tomfrends. I'll try to check them out and post them soon.

  10. more and more cute barefoot redheads keep popping up. :)

  11. Let's hope this trend continues. ^_^

  12. Great find! I love this gal... and her uniform sports a veeery interesting pair of boots ^_^
