Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More xxxHolic (Bonus)

Hot off the press...here is a quick follow up to Yuko's bonus. A tribute to the other female lead of the series Himewari Kunogi.

(A massive thank you to Adam for tracking down all these awesome webfinds.)

I'm told that barefoot scenes involving her are an extremely rare commodity. That's a real shame since her feet look incredibly attractive in those pictures; so soft and smooth. ^_^ She's even wearing toenail polish in a few of them. It looks like she takes really good care of them. :-)

Ok everyone...I'm off to tackle the mega-bonus set. On that note...more to come soon!!


  1. well Himawari did give bad luck to who ever she was with. It might have been because of that it was hard to get a good shot of her in the series

  2. Glad I could contribute, KSC!

    @ Match25- That's true, poor girl. She did spend a few chapters barefoot in a kimono early on, but there was never anything near a close-up, so there was no detail whatsoever.

  3. well for this dedication to the lovely Yuuko, i bet with this Yuuko will make this the best bonus yet to come to this site

  4. *chuckles* I guess you could say that I'm a xxxHolic girl's feet holic DW.

    Thanks again for her Adam...she's really hot.

    Yeah Match. ^_^ Considering the dangerous mission that we are about to undertake...it definitely doesn't hurt to appease this hot witch. ^_^
