Sunday, November 8, 2009

Power Girl (Bonus)

Ok...after all those villainesses...I think that we can all really use a little positive pick me I thought I'd post a good girl for a change. With that in is a tribute to the Superheroine Power Girl. Enjoy guys!!

(These webfinds are from a couple of places but the best shots are from the Power Girl Comic Book series Issue 5 where Powergirl forgets to bring her boots with her. Huge thank yous go to P and Ayane Matrix for finding and tracking down this scene.)

Superheroines really need to forget their boots more often. :-D I really like Power Girl a lot. She beautiful, sexy and is really powerful. That and she has a great choice in costume. :-D Pick up your jaws guys. ^_^

Ok..that's gonna be it for tonight. Have a great evening...and as usual, more to come soon!!

Up Up and away!!


  1. it is nice to see such a lovely pair, but it does nothing to the sever withdraw i am suffering from lack of villainess feet. They must have done something to their soles to make us keep wanting them so much lol

  2. I was wondering when you were going to use those finds from the recent Powergirl issues. Also, her feet can be something else guys can stare at that won't annoy her, if you know what I mean. :D

  3. yes DW we know, Toyman ruined that for everyone else

  4. Heh, it was pretty convienant for us foot guys when she forgot to bring her boots along. :D

    Now if only Batgirl and Harley can forget to put on their boots XD

  5. Power Girl is uber awesome. She's hot, she's independent, and to top all of that, she's got a cute face! I mean what good are body parts including feet if the face is butt-ugly?

  6. did you know they had her play a villain in JLU? She worked for Cadmus

  7. I admit, when I stumbled onto the comic, I was very surprised! A barefoot super heroine and she's a cutie, just too perfect. :) That and the scene where she realizes she left her shoes is priceless and well worth the admission.

    Now, we need more like this! :D

  8. It's true Match. I guess once you sample villainesses feet...its very hard to go back to normal. :-)

    Yeah DW. ^_^ Gotta love PG's uniform.

    Yeah though we can't say blame Toyman for doing that Match. :-)

    Yeah Breakthewalls...I'd love to see more comic book characters forget their boots as well. In addition to Harley and Batgirl...I'd also love to see Supergirl and Huntress to make that "mistake".

    Yeah definitely helps a lot that Powergirl entire body is cute.:-)

    Yeah Match. Galatea (the evil Power girl counterpart) was one of my favorite Justice Leagues villains. We really need to recruit her to do a bonus.

    Yeah Ayane Matrix, when you guys showed me the issue I was really impressed. ^_^ I loved seeing her fight barefoot. :-)


    toph found her feet licker ()

  10. This is an anime ova called Negima based on the manga, and it features a bunch of girls in swimsuits, not to mention being barefoot:

  11. Yeah, now if only Jaina,Sylvanas, Karrigan, Sabrina (Pokemon), Cynthia, Lorelei, Gardenia, Anna and Nina and Cammy forgot their foot ware as well lol

  12. All those women rock Breakthewalls. Yeah they definitely need to show these women make that mistake. :-)
