Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kiki's Delivery Service (Bonus)

Continuing with the Spellcasters, the next girl up is the cute delivery witch Kiki. In addition to her, there's also a special guest if you guys can make it to the end of this one. ;-)



(These are from the acclaimed Director Hayao Miyazaki's Anime Movie Kiki's Delivery Service. Massive Thank Yous to Bert, Martin, P and Match25 (the Legendary Master of Sole Shot himself) for the tip off, clips and caps of this bonus. You guys all rock!! ^_^)

I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki's films. He really manages to create some very dramatic stories, beautifully animated cartoons and really lovable characters (such as title girl above). Though it tends to be aimed more at younger generations (It's the type of movie you watch with your family) Kiki's Delivery Service is a really cute film and it very hard not smile when seeing it.

One of the really nice things about these scenes is that both girls wiggle their toes quite a bit in them plus it's even revealed that Kiki is quite ticklish. ;-D

Ok everyone...a couple of announcements. Actually a really big one. ^_^; Taking viewer advice into account, I've decided to take this blog in a brand new more exciting direction. Tomorrow I'm going to unveil a new darker, more romantic, more intense version of this blog that I think will appeal to both a hardcore fan base and mass audiences a like. I really encourage you guys to check back tomorrow morning and let me know what you think of it. :-D Because of this change, I'm going to end this month's polls exactly at midnight New York time. (A couple of hours earlier than usual). So anyone trying to affect this month's outcome should have their say by then. :-)

Alright...that's basically it for now, have a great day everybody and as usual...more to come soon!!


  1. all i can saw is those darn lucky cows

    huh, im suddenly getting a bad feeling with this new blog, but wont know till i see it tomorrow.

  2. Yeah, I agree with Match, those cows are super lucky! Licking her ticklish feet and toes. ^_^

    Whats funny is that I watched this movie a couple of years ago, but never took much stock in that scene. I mean, sure it was funny to watch, but I never thought of it in such a manner. Maybe cause she's still a kid in the movie? o.0? I have no clue.

    And, while I'm not sure what you have planned for tomorrow's update, I'm just hoping it's all foot related. :D

  3. Man, those are some lucky cows. Gotta love a good tickle scene :)

    I remember that I use to watch this movie all the time back in the day. My friend loved it. It was actually one of the first anime's I saw.

    Go on KSC, make your changes, I know what your planning, you can't fool me ;)

  4. YES YES YES!!!

    it's about time kiki got some love!!

    Hayao Miyazaki is amazing cartoonist!!

    great post KSC!!

  5. Thanks guys. Yeah those cows really lucked out. :-)

    As for the new direction...*Whistles innocently*

  6. Never thought I'd be jealous of some cows... ^_^ Great stuff, KSC! I guess I should check this film out.

  7. Oh ya, I remember that from the movie

    the cows licking her Foot was funny, and may have been a reason for my liking for lickin Feet too

  8. They seem to enjoy the taste too. ^_^

  9. Kiki is very sexy. Even though she's 13 she doesn't have a figure which confuses me. She also had a high amount of panty shots in the movie too, but what Miyuzaki girl doesn't? She has some great legs too.

  10. Oh yeah...Miyazaki is an awesome director. I'll try and post more of his movies in the future. ^_^

  11. I could'nt be more happier with how popular kiki has become - shes such a gr8 character, personality wise and the fact shes still quite ticklish on her feet - love it. The only other characters from hayao miyazaki's tremendous work that i can recommend for this site would be ponyo, (latest addition-kinda like little mermaid)princess mononoke (the 2nd ghibli film I saw, a good stomping scene from san and a few bare foot shots of the women from iron town) and finally shizuku from whisper of the heart - towards the beginning of the film, she sleeps in and theres nice shots of her feet. Thats as much as I can think of 4 now. well done again KSC ^_^

  12. another vid I've 4 u all n_n - the old arthur series, francine's older sis - catherine - @ 4:30 = if you want the conversation included + @ 4:50 = toe wiggling action - enjoy guys enjoy ^_^

  13. KSC - jw - hows kaname (full metal panic)coming along, h8 2 bother u or anything but shes the next girl on my list 2 see but if u've got or characters 2 attend 2 at the mo then thats ok with me, i can wait a little longer ^_^

  14. O_O Thanks very much Martin. I definitely have to check those out Miyazaki scenes out. Would be really nice to include Princess Mononoke since I really like the film a lot. ^_^ I still have to check out Ponyo but its on my must see list. Whispers of the heart is completely new to me...have to check that one out too. ^_^

    Also thanks very much for Catherine. Pedicure scenes are really rare. ^_^

    I'm still working on Kaname. A lot of material to organize for her...I'll try to post her soon. :-)

  15. lol - every1 seems 2 occupied on kiki 2 have noticed ursula's toe wiggling, not that its a bad thing, I think i know who every1 prefers.

  16. I think having her feet licked definitely worked in Kiki's favor. Toe wiggling is hot though so I really loved the Ursula scene as well. ^_^

  17. I love this movie and the feet stuff

  18. Kiki has nice legs and cute, sexy feet. If I got a delivery from her, I'd give her a tip in the form of a nice foot massage.
