Thursday, January 31, 2013

All Grown Up: Kimi

Kimi is Chuckie's Japanese stepsister. Most old-school Rugrats fans don't like her because they think she's just a clone of Tommy, but I feel she's a good character on her own. Plus her older self is really cute.

Unfortunately, he usual outfit includes boots that she rarely takes off.


  1. Kimi was my fav female character :) perfect match for Tommy as he was my fav male character. they make a nice couple. Funnily enough I happen 2 be rewatching All grown up atm :P I think there's ep(s) where they all go 2 an aqualand place. if I find out which eps I'll be sure 2 post em on here ;)

  2. man i loved that scene where they just had her go barefooted

  3. i really need to go through that series and find every pic

  4. I remember the first scene. Nice of Chuckie to toss the foot fetish community, and have his sister stepping in paint and a piece of cardboard! Got to love Kimi! She has that same aura of cute toughness I've found with Jade Chan and Toph (my barefoot queen)!
