Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Special

Okay, I recently found this and I thought it would be a nice a little post to do. And in the cases of some of the people on here, it may hold true to their origins of where they're fetish started.
The following is a 3D CG comic. I hope you guys like it.

Be honest, how many of you had a similar experience which lead to your current "interest"?


  1. Close. Similar scenario, but it was actually my sister's friend who I had a crush on.

    1. I see. Did that crush ever come to fruition and you two become a couple?

    2. No, I was 6 and didn't have the guts to talk to girls at that time. Her family moved away when I was 7. Last time I saw her was when she, my sister and I played Monopoly, where my sister added the stipulation that the first person who go bankrupt would get tortured. Her friend was the first, so we tickle tortured her. Of course, the first place I went was the feet :D

  2. Actually this isn't the case for me. It's hard to really pin down when it started. I know I was really influenced by The Little Mermaid. I also remember seeing the cover of this book in first grade, and the detail that really popped out at me was that the girl on the cover was barefoot. So I really don't know what my "catalyst" was. XD

    1. lolz cool dude. I had a similar case growing up too where female feet stood out in animation, etc.

  3. :-) Nice comic and Mother's Day Special Heretichero. Try as I might I can't pinpoint my attraction towards feet. I've found them attractive for as long as I could remember but I think it only began taking a sexual type of edge in my teens when I started to find myself tempted to look at the feet of girls I was attracted to or had a crush on. Psychology works in unusual ways. ^_^;

  4. Its been soo long ago i dont even remember :/ But im glad i didn't eat breakfast before reading this post :P

    But i will say that doing Cosplay and KSC has made it "Worse" lol

  5. I've been like this since I was a small boy (it may have been triggered by seeing the TV series Zoom and all of the barefoot kids on it, in particular the barefoot girls!) Later on at age 15-16, I had a girlfriend, and was able to indulge my fetish with her, but (sadly) she wasn't ticklish.
