Monday, January 13, 2014


I was looking through to see if anyone had done Kikyō before and was shocked to see she hasn't been done. Granted she has rarely any feet scenes through out the series and the manga has several I believe. She mostly wears Tabi in the anime, and is at times barefoot. I don't know if anyone is like me and likes to see the details of the foot through socks/tabi so if there are I'll post a few of her in her tabi too.

Anyway Kikyō is one of my all time favorite anime girls, I usually rank her around 4-6 it varies really.

Kikyō is a bit of a troubled soul dying in confusion, she thought she was killed by the one she loved. Turns out it was another demon (Naraku) in disguise. She was later brought back as a clay doll by a witch but gained some of her soul back, and her will and she was filled with hatred for a long while till learning the truth. She turned good but had to keep feasting on the souls of young maidens to stay alive in her current body.

Not only is she hot but she's very powerful, being the only one Naraku truly fears and that's saying something. She usually uses spirit energy infused arrows, but can also shoot small spirit energy blasts, and purge evil energy.

I wouldn't mind getting her to relax by giving her a nice massage she deserves it several times over, after all she's been through, and I wouldn't mind to worship them either.

Well there ends my second post hope everyone enjoys =D also I did take out one scene up there, the one with a black square in it had some naked scenes, so sorry bout that.

                                                                                  -Destiny Dueler


  1. :-D Nice post Destiny Dueler. As an Inuyasha fan I like Kikyo a lot. It's awesome to see her get a tribute. ^_^

    1. Thank you =D very much, yeah Kikyo was my favorite Inuyasha character with Sango a close second. Yeah I was surprised she hadn't had one yet =0

    2. Yeah she definitely deserved it. She's probably my third favorite after Kagome (keep thinking Sailor Mars look alike) and Sango. Yura is my forth and she was only in one episode. ^_^

    3. =D Yeah haha. Yura is my third =D favorite after Kikoy and Sango, then Princess Abi

  2. Never been an Inuyasha fan but I do like Rumiko Takahashi's tendency to have girls barefoot. XD Good post!

    1. I see =D it's all about taste and we have different ones =D. Also Rumiko has a foot fetish so that influences her works quite a bit =D. Thank you =D

  3. You deserve an award for actually finding pictures of Kikyo barefoot. I didn't think such things existed. Well done.

    1. Haha thank you and sorry for responding so late didn't know anyone else commented on this =D. Yeah it was hard to find them there are a lot more smaller ones if I ever reread the manga I'll be sure to post anymore
