Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kissing The Pink Introduction + Wonder Woman

Kissing The Pink

Nickname: (None)
Specialties: Capping, Comics, Blogging, Blog Designs
Bio: Founder of , Kissing The Pink is a keen blogger; dedicated to finding the most rarest and sought after images of beautiful female animated feet. A lone wolf among the other cappers, Kissing The Pink's never too far behind the rest of the Pack.

Now we've got the intro out of the way,  let me entice you with one of my previous post from my own blog featuring none other than the Princess of Themyscira herself...

A semiconscious Wonder Woman has her beloved gold tiara and red and white boots stolen from her by Rag doll a member of the villainous Secret Six... thus leaving her bare feet to endure the cold weather and countless stares of appreciation. ;) 

Stay Kissin The Pink.


  1. Great first post Kissing The Pink. Wonder Woman's feet are definitely an amazing way of introducing yourself. ^_^ I'm definitely looking forward to your future posts both here and on your own blog as well. :-D

  2. =D Awesome post would've loved to seen that, and welcome aboard =D

  3. Welcome to the club! :) Wonder Woman is always a welcome sight.

  4. Awesome first post! One can never go wrong with Wonder Woman! Welcome!
