Saturday, June 14, 2014

Digimon Frontier: Zoe Orimoto

Zoe is the only female member of the team and was chosen to wield the Spirits of Wind which hold the power of AncientKazemon. She was born in Japan but moved to Italy at a young age. She recently moved back to Japan but had problems making friends due to the culture barrier and because of her shyness. Zoe knows many Italian words and uses Italian exclamations occasionally. Because of her attractiveness, she tends to get a lot of male attention throughout the series.


  1. Awesome post Bambino...Zoe is really hot. Some really nice panups in this post too. :-D

  2. An Italian raised character in an anime huh? Most unusual and interesting.

  3. I would enjoy tickling Zoe's feet and belly button just to hear her giggle and squeal, which would be music to my ears.

    1. You can have her belly button as long as I can have her feet, OK? LOLJK

    2. If you recall in one episode, Zoe was tickle tortured by Ranamon.
