Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Persona 4 the Golden: Marie

Marie is an aloof and soft-spoken girl introduced in Persona 4 the Golden, which is a retelling of the story with new characters and new insights. It takes a while for her to warm up to the rest of the group, but she comes to cherish her time with them. Marie has no memories, and so the act of making new memories with her friends becomes very important to her. She also likes to write poetry in secret and gets very flustered and embarrassed if someone reads her poems.

Been a while since my last post, so here's something to make up for it! These come from the Persona 4 Golden anime, an adaptation of the video game. Since the Golden season breezes through the plot of the game it's recommended you either play it or watch the first Persona 4 anime before watching this one, otherwise you'll have no idea who anyone is or what's going on. XD Hope you like!


  1. Good to have you back, buddy.

  2. Very nice post never played Persona mainly cause I have no clue what the hell is going on, do I need to play the first one or what haha and what type of gameplay is it. Anyway awesome post and very cute girl =D

    1. From what I can tell, it's like the Final Fantasy series. Each game stands alone without referencing the past games, but using the same core concepts of monsters and Personas. It's a JRPG so it uses turn-based fighting like classic Final Fantasy. And thanks! :D

  3. Wow...she is really hot. I really need to play the Persona series. It looks like it has a really great set of characters. ^_^

    Awesome post Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^

    1. She really is! XD I'm not really into the games but they have some very interesting characters.

  4. Ooo nice! I'm still working my way through the game so it'll probably be awhile before I watch this series.
