Saturday, November 1, 2014

Poll 59 Results

It's that time again...the first of the month equals the end of last month's poll. After a really exciting month and 1052 are the results!!
It looks like Seras managed to shoot down her competition in this one. With 235 votes she proved to be the female vampire must fans would be happy to belong to. In second place was Seraphim from Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka and Rosario + Vampire's Moka  took third. 

Don't feel too bad for the rest of these vampires. They all proved to have loyal slaves er I mean fans of their own and nobody scored less than 31 votes. 

One of the fun things about this poll  was that I left it open for you guys to recommend vampires as well and you guys gave some really excellent female vampires to worship. I really need to check out Vampire Princess Miyu. ^_^ If your recommendations fit in with the poll...I added them in as an option. There were a couple of recommendations that didn't quite fit in with the poll though. Just for fun here is a list of unexpected candidates people sent in

:-D I think Sakura somehow always manages to find her way into the other choices. My favorite other response though was "I bow to no vamp". A little suicidal considering the female vampires who visit this site but funny nonetheless.

Anyway...I just really want to thank everyone for voting as well as sharing some really good female vampire recommendations. Special thanks to His Divine Shadow too for helping me get the initial 10 vampires for this one. I'll try to keep everyone's opinions in mind in the future.

Ok...I think I have an idea for this month's poll but it might take me a little while to get ready. I'll try to post it soon

Have a great weekend everybody. ^_^


  1. With so many vampires in this one it was really hard to pick a personal favorite last month. In the end I couldn't resist the Uber Cute Moka. A sweet girl with a dominating side within her.

    Anyway...really great voting everyone!!

    1. Sorry I haven't been communicating with you more, KSC.

    2. No problem. This month has been pretty busy for me and I haven't had a chance to check in on the site and comment as much I would like recently.

      You're really doing a great job with your posts. :-)

  2. What?!! Moka's in third place?! She should have took second place instead of Seraphim.

    1. Yeah it was a big surprise for me too. ^_^;

      Seraphim is hot though.

    2. "gwen tennyson in swimsuit from Ben 10"

      I really hate that guy.

    3. I recognized the person who suggested that too. ^_^;

  3. I voted for my vamp princess Reiri although Moka is always a good second =D. Reiri just I dunno always caught my attention
