Friday, November 14, 2014

Teen Titans Go Raven Halloween

I don't really have a strong Opinion on this series I find it funny sometimes then there's other times it's too childish haha anyway several episodes back we got a flash of Raven's feet it wasn't much but it's better than nothing right?

Well here ya go with a few extra scenes, like I said not much but better than nothing =) 


  1. O_O Awesome Destiny Dueler!! I love me some Raven. ^_^ Those silhouette images are hot!! I've been wanting to watch Titans Go for awhile. I like lighthearted comedy. I guess how good the series is will probably depend on what jokes it has. ^_^

    1. It's pretty good a lot of people hate it since the Titans are basically morons. I love it for all the easter eggs it has of the DC Universe and other funny things. There's some perverted jokes some kids won't get like Cyborg well um beating a bowl of meat, and wearing a apron that says food pun which is obvious haha. Lady Legasus was awesome it's really enjoyable to me. Also saw that new chapter you added to Rogue loved it loved the description of the boy as the socks POV =).

    2. Thanks for such a thorough analysis of the series. I guess I'll try it out. ^_^ Also thanks for the positive feedback on the Rogue storyline too. I'm really very happy that you enjoyed that chapter. :-)

  2. Ha! I was just preparing for a Raven/Starfire post. Let me know if you're going to do anymore. I'll be sure to link to this post too! Thank you for doing this and great job.

    1. I don't have anymore Raven foot pics they're so scarce haha, can't wait to see what ya got to post =)

  3. In this version AND the original, Raven's got legs for days! Awesome find!

    1. Yes she does Raven is amazing Legs are great and so are thighs =D
