Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mike Tyson Mysteries: Yung Hee and Tingle (Episode 7) *REVISION*

I decided to revise this post because I noticed some static in a lot of the images so I redid the caps and made sure they were clean and also removing a few images that might just be a little too racy for this place.

I previously covered Mike Tyson Mysteries here. With this new episode titled "Kidnapped" it gives us quite a bit of content! The caps will be out of order as I will separate the two characters. Starting with Yung Hee, then!

                                                                                                         Yung Hee


Tingle is a stripper hired by Pigeon and Marquess of Queensberry to replace Yung Hee after her apparent kidnapping.

Thank you for reading! And please make sure to check the monthly archives on the left side of the blog. You never know what you might be missing.

1 comment:

  1. Yung Hee does have nice legs. I swear i think in the last 7 episodes she has gone barefoot more than Velma in all the years she has been on
