Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WildC.A.T.s: Zealot

Ok one more image/wildstorm character for you guys... Zealot from WildC.A.T.s.
WildC.A.T.s Vol. 1 Issue # 23 Homecoming. I wish I had the job of the servant taking care of her feet. ^_^
(Various Webfinds and Comic Book Scenes. Once again a big thank you to Darkmind for recommending this character. ^_^)

Zealot Aka Lady Zannah is a Kherubim, an alien from the planet Khera. She was trained by the Coda, a group of deadly female assassins eventually she migrated to Earth and joined the WildC.A.T.s team. As a Kherubim, Zealot has certain abilities. She has an extremely long lifespan and she is incredibly strong and fast and durable being to survive gunfire and lift up to 10 tons. She also able to heal from wounds that would kill a normal human. As a former Coda member, Zealot is an extremely skilled warrior and can wield a variety of weapons. Her specialty though is the sword and she is nearly unbeatable when carrying one. 

Similar to Fairchild who is like the mascot character of Gen 13, Zealot is probably the character that most people think of when the comic book WildC.A.T.s. is mentioned. Comic analysts say that the 90's were the period when Visual style was prized above anything else for comic creators.  Zealot pretty much embodies that principle. It's impossible to forget this character once you see her. Everything about her appearance is designed to look awesome. When you look at her, you immediately think about how sexy, hot and badass she is. The tight red uniform that she wears shows off her gorgeous body including an extremely powerful set of legs. (I could probably devote an entire paragraph to how sexy and badass they look.). Her exotic white hair serves to makes her all the more memorable. Added onto her appearance and costume is a wicked set of Katanas which just seem to set her up as more of a badass.

Zealot seems to wear boots pretty frequently which just causes us foot fans to imagine how awesome her feet must be on a regular basis. It's nice that we get a few opportunities to see what her bare feet are like though.

Ok Everyone... That's all for now. As always though... more to come soon!

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