Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fairy Tail: Coco

Ok... Knocking off another character from the Hit List tonight... It's Coco from Fairy Tail. :-D
(These are from the Fairy Tail episodes 80 and 130. A Huge Thank You to Dean Lawrence for identifying the episodes containing foot content involving her.)

Coco first appearance is as a messenger in the alternate universe. She is shown to be cheerful and very quick on her feet a skill that makes her really good at her job. :-) She is very gentle and likes animals. Later the main characters of Fairy Tail come across her Earthland counterpart whose personality is a lot different. The Earthland version of Coco is a lot tougher and winds up initially starting out as an antagonist for the group. 

In both cases Coco has really amazing feet being able move really fast with them. Her Earthland version puts them to good use with a variety of powerful kicking attacks (as the caps above no doubt demonstrate). She seems to wear special sandals which increase her speed and give her brief periods of flight. She also has the ability to run vertically up walls. Pretty badass!!

It's worth noting that the episode I was watching featuring Earthland Coco had her threaten to make characters that she had kicked around previously "Eat her foot again". She's awesome!!

Ok everyone that's all for tonight. As always... more to come soon!


  1. Gotta love Coco ;-) She does get her feet burned by lightning by someone trying to prevent her from running away but she still barely manages it in one of the Edolas episodes but the exact one... Sorry but I can't help there, there are a bunch of them :-/

    1. O_O Seems like a good scene. Thanks for the tip HDS. Yeah Fairy Tail is another intimidating entry on the watch list that moves up further and further the more I hear about it. It's definitely reached the must watch level now with all the attractive female characters. I just need a couple of weeks of free time to marathon watch it through.

    2. Wish I could remember... I wanna say it was the King that did it... After that I'm pretty sure she switches sides though, if that helps narrow a reference point.

      Ha ha. I have a 98 episode headstart but... My crippling RPG addiction... Sucks up all of my spare time xD

    3. :-) Yeah I can definitely understand the change of heart. I think I can find it. ^_^ I really want to watch the series now. Between capping Coco and Lucy (as well as Mavis in Zero) the series looks really good. After capping the first scene with Coco... I found myself hooked enough to watch 3 more episodes in the Alternate universe arc. It was so enjoyable. :-D

      That's light years ahead of me. ^_^ Sidenote: Fairy Tail is listed under the top 50 longest animes. :-)

    4. Yeah lol, team Fairy Tail takes her in after that IIRC. Glad I could sorta help lol. He he, it has that effect ;-) Even the filler is entertaining, the ONE episode I ran across that was filler anyway, at least as far as I could tell.

      I stopped as far as it was dubbed at the time... If it would've been fully dubbed I'd have finished and moved on by now xD Back when I had damn time to watch... Counting both series?

    5. O.O Exciting. It's a good tip. :-D Yeah it's very exciting. Seems like it's better than the Naruto fillers... a lot of those were more of a chore to watch. ^_^

      :-D It seems really addictive... If I had the time to watch I would definitely lose a couple of weeks to the marathon watch. ^_^

    6. Ha ha, thanks :-) Oh yeah ;-) That's why I stopped watching Naruto, WAY too much boring filler :-/

      Ha ha, same lol

    7. Yeah some of the Naruto fillers were really bad. ^_^; It's a shame because the actual series is really enjoyable. I still have to catch up on it though.


    8. So I've heard lol. After the cleaning the village filler I was just done lol


    9. ^_^; The cringe inducing ones were the tea country/runner arc and there was another batch of episodes following an episode called Funeral for the living. I hated that one... it was a dry idea and it went on for several episodes. It was worse for me because I just came off of binge watching the series up to the filler. Imagine coming off of some really exciting action back to back and having to watch a bunch of really awful episodes at a snail's pace of one week at a time. ^_^;

    10. Yikes... lol. Like I said I lost hope sooner than you did lol

    11. I forced myself through. :-) Getting up to Shippuden though was worth it. Naruto non-filler episodes though are best watched in a binge cause the wait is frustrating. Eventually I'm going to have to Marathon watch it again. ^_^

    12. Next time I decide to watch anime... Fairy Tail all the way. I want to at least finish another story arc lol. Dammit or a Certain Scientific Railgun... Those are the big ones on my list lol

    13. :-D Both seem like awesome animes.

    14. Yeah. Index/Railgun is a lot more manageable tho lol

    15. :-D Understandable... Fairy Tail must have significantly more episodes.

      Out of curiousity though... How many episodes is Railgun?

    16. A LOT more. More than quadruple or only double if you count Index. Cause they're both 48 episodes. Though I'm already halfway through Railgun. Still need to watch Railgun S, which is the second season.

    17. O.O Had no idea Railgun had so many episodes. Definitely not as overwhelming as Fairy Tail but still an intimidating watch in its own right. ^_^

    18. Part of the reason I've been holding off lol. Index/Railgun both have two 24 episode seasons. Mostly anime run 12 or 13 you know?

    19. Yeah I know the feeling. Sometimes even a 12 episode anime can be a bit of a time commitment so an anime that runs for 4 times that can be a challenge. ^_^

    20. Yeah lol. So much to do, so little time. Story of my life lol

    21. I think the story of everyone's life. Never enough hours in the day to get everything that you want to complete done. :-)

  2. Coco is so cute and her feet are so adorable.:-)

  3. Say what you will about Hiro Mashima, but anything based on his work is always sure to have barefoot cuties!

  4. She is very cute, but she should stay barefoot.

    1. Yeah it would be really cool to see Earthland Coco take her shoes off especially since she is the one with all the kick attacks. ^_^

    2. Ain't that the truth. She, Mavis, and Wendy probably have the cutest feet of all the characters.

    3. Oh yea, I would like to see a compilation of Wendy's feet!

    4. @Layne. All great characters. I like Erza and Lucy as well. ^_^

      @Marco. O_O Have to try to give her a tribute. If anyone know which episodes have good scenes involving her... I'll try to cap her. ^_^

  5. Are you gonna do anymore Fairy Tail posts? For Erza and Lucy they could be megaposts, you'd probably need to watch the entire series to get all the screenshots

    1. I think that it's safe to say that there will be more Fairy Tail posts in the future. Yeah it's a huge project because there are so many episodes in the series to comb through.

    2. I try to find some of Erza and Wendy for you :-)

    3. There are so many chapters there, but It should not be very difficult. Wendy has used closed shoes but she has seen too many times wearing sandals.

    4. O.O Thanks very much Dean.

      That's good to hear Marco. ^_^

  6. I found one of Erza on episode 38

    And one of Wendy on episode 69

    For now this is what I got i find some more next time :-)

  7. I thought I can do this one myself, King.
