Monday, September 26, 2016

Spice and Wolf: Holo (Part 1)

Ok tonight's post is a Mega-Tribute to Holo from the Anime Spice and Wolf. Holo actually so many scenes in her anime that I had to divide her tribute into two sets so this is just the first half. It's a really good one though. Enjoy guys!!
(These were capped from various episodes of the Spice and Wolf anime including episode 1,  2,  4, 6, 7, 8, 13 and the Spice and Wolf II anime episodes 1 and 2.  A Huge Thank you to Dean Lawrence for recommending this character and anime. ^_^)

In preparation for this tribute... I actually watched both Spice and Wolf anime series.* It's a really great anime and I enjoyed it tremendous. The series involves a Merchant named Kraft Lawrence who mets the embodiment of a Harvest Goddess named Holo. Holo is known as the Wise wolf. Her true form is a gigantic wolf but she has the ability to take on a human form which looks like a beautiful woman with ears and a tail. Holo has the ability to make harvests bountiful. However she needs to remain close the grain she blesses so she needs someone to move the grain with her. She makes a deal with Lawrence for him to transport her to her home in the north in exchange for her help with his Merchant endeavors.

I didn't expect that an anime focusing on Merchant bartering would wind up to be so entertaining.= but it is a lot of fun. Part of what makes the anime so entertaining is the chemistry Lawrence and Holo have with one another. Both of them are extremely intelligent and they play off one another really well playfully teasing one another, while at the same time learning from one another and growing as characters. It great to see their friendship develop.

Holo is an amazing character. She's really smart and witty but also playful and teasing. She knows how to enjoy herself and often winds up drunk in the series much to her partner's dismay.  She constantly banters with her companion but the two of them seem to really get along well together and genuinely care about one another. In terms of abilities Holo's wolf form is ferocious and powerful. She is very quick and strong. He really strength though is her intelligence. Her wisdom and cunning has helped her partner to achieve a lot of deals that he not have been able to achieve on her own. She also has ability to be able to tell when people are lying. 

It's nice to see a lead character that can pull off the personality combination of Mischievous, Intelligent and Sweet. ^_^  Plus she is really cute as well. :-D

Ok everyone... as mentioned at the beginning... we're not done with Holo let. Still more of her to come in the next post. ^_^

Until Next Time!

*The anime is divided into 2 series/seasons Spice and Wolf and Spice and Wolf II.


  1. Yahoo! I was wondering when Holo would appear here!

    1. ^_^ So happy to be able to post her. She's a great character.

  2. I never planned to watch this series, it just doesn't appeal to me. But Holo is adorable. :)

    1. -D Yeah she is really cute. I didn't expect to enjoy this anime as much as I did. It's a lot subtler/quieter in terms of action than the animes I usually go for but this anime's strength really lies in the relationship between the two lead characters. They really play off of one another very well.

  3. Well, she certainly has a nice pair of feet! I had seen fan art and other pictures of her feet before, but I truly get a huge impact seeing caps from the show!

    1. :-D The nice thing about the anime is that they give her quite a few barefoot scenes in it.

    2. So I can tell. Can'5 wait to see part 2, then!

  4. This is a great anime and holo is really cute she has lovely feet.^_^

    it's funny that the guy has the same lastname as me

    P.s I sometimes wish that Holo was real so i could be with her forever would you to. :-D

    1. :-D Thanks again for recommending this anime and character Dean... I really enjoyed it a lot.

      Yeah I think that Holo would make a great girlfriend. She has such a cool personality and she's an excellent companion. ^_^
