Saturday, October 1, 2016

Poll 68/Ranma Poll Results

Hi guys. Sorry for the late results post. I was attending a festival this morning. ^_^; Anyway a lot to cover so let's get start... with regard to the main poll... after a whopping 870 votes... here are the results!

It looks like Honey Lemon had the most chemistry with the voters. With 201 votes she claimed the top spot. ^_^ In second place was the surprise upset for me Michiko Malandro and Street Fighter's Laura took 3rd.The other women in this poll all did pretty well in their own right and none of the characters scored less than 16 votes. I doubt that  anyone of us would turn down kissing Isabella's feet if given the opportunity so it's safe to say that none of these women are underappreciated. ^_^

Moving on to the special bonus Ranma poll... here were how things played out!
After the 283 votes were tallied... it's safe to say Akane shattered her competition. She claimed 121 votes... more than double that of her closest competition. In second place was Female Ranma  and Shampoo went on to claim 3rd. It's hard to feel bad for the rest of these women when they each have fans of their own and the low scoring Hinako had a fan dedicated enough to her to recommend the character as a write in candidate.

I just want to give everyone a Tremendous Thank You for voting. I'll definitely try to keep your opinions in mind in the future.

Ok...This week is probably going to be a pretty light week on my end. It's Jewish New Year this week so I'll probably be spending it with my family. I also have a Ticket to New York Comic Con so I'll probably be there for the later half of the week. I'll definitely post if there is any interesting news there and I'll keep the marathon going while I can. :-) Tonight I'll try to add a new Halloween inspired poll as well. It should be fun. ^_^



  1. Oh yeah in terms of my personal favorites. The Latina poll was an easy choice because I really love Christie very much. The Ranma poll was much harder though because I like Ukyo and Nabiki about the same. :-D It was a really tough choice. Anyway really great voting everyone. I love seeing the way these polls turned out. ^_^

    1. I went with Honey Lemon, that was a no brainer for me and Ukyo... Cause I also really like Nabiki lol. Though I also like Hinako, she was a fun one shot in the anime :-)

    2. :-) All Great choices. Honey Lemon appears to really popular. She must be really awesome. :-D Your Ranma picks align with mine perfectly.

    3. Once you watch BH6 you'll understand ;-) Hehe, yup :-)

    4. Hopefully I'll get to watch it this week. :-D

    5. That's awesome! :-D When I finally do that BH6 chapter in CBWF you'll actually know what's going on lol. And the one Tetra chapter will make a bit more sense ;-) Oh that reminds me... Brace yourself for feels. BH6 has them... And they hit you like a freight train. :-)

    6. Honey is awesome, but GoGo is amazing XD

    7. Oh don't get me started on Honey Lemon vs GoGo... I honestly love both of them ;-)

    8. :-D Wow the series sounds incredible.

    9. Well you have the cute girl next door vibe with Honey Lemon, y'know plus glasses ;-) And GoGo is the hot Goth, she's also very forward with people. A few times actually she yells "Woman up!" whenever someone isn't doing the best they can. I believe they are a trope. Light Feminine (Honey Lemon) and Dark Feminine (GoGo)

    10. O_O Wow... had no idea that was a trope. If you think about it though it makes because there are a lot of Examples of that.

      On the Big Hero 6 front... that's really awesome that they have two great female characters who sound like they are really cool in the series. I'm really excited to see it. I was planning to watch it tonight but the site that had the movie up on it got it taken down. I'm going to have to try and find an alternate copy. ^_^; Maybe from the Library.

    11. Faces of Eve is the three girl variant as well lol. Ah! My Goddess comes to mind.

      Yeah :-D Usually there's like the token hot girl but in this case you get two very different kinds of hotness ;-) Hope you can watch it tonight. I've been itching to discuss plot elements that I've been dancing around whenever I talk to you about it lol

    12. I was thinking two broke girls lol. I can see Raven and Starfire falling into that one too. :-) Actually a lot of comic book female partners. ^_^

      Still having trouble getting a hold of a copy. Hopefully I'll find one soon. ^_^

    13. Oh I had moved on to using a 3 girl example
      But those work for light and dark lol

      Hopefully ;-)

    14. O_O Sweet!!! Two was fun but 3 is better.

      Yeah. ^_^

    15. Ha ha. Yeah :-)

      Good luck. Really the only thing making me hold off on the chapter(s) lol

    16. :-)

      Yet another huge reason why I really want to watch the movie as soon as possible. ^_^

    17. Yeah lol. What I have planned isn't really spoilery per say... but it will take place post-movie so... Yeah... Get on that! ;-)

    18. :-) That sounds really cool. ^_^ Definitely.

    19. In the meantime there's always RPGs and Queen Bee drafts to send xD

    20. :-D Both those substitutes rock. ^_^

  2. I voted for Laura on the first and Shampoo on the second but Kodachi I find sexier but Shampoo has something about her

    1. :-D All three characters are great. Laura in particular is really hot. Almost wound up picking her myself.

  3. Replies
    1. We'll see. I'll try to find material for her and if she has some good scenes I'll post her.

  4. The Latina poll has to have some of the best competitors in this blog's overall run.

    I of course side with Roberta, but I was surprised she even made it in the top 5 with all the competition.

    1. :-D Yes there were a great set of women in that one.

      Roberta's a great choice. ^_^ She did really well. :-) The biggest surprise for me in this poll though was Machiko's second place finish. I thought she was a rare character. ^_^
