Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kikyō Part 1

Uploading this for the second time not sure why it was taken off. I talked to KSC and he said the content was fine. Anyway this is Kikyo, she's a powerful priestess, a gentle woman, Inuyasha's former love interest, and Kagome is her reincarnation. Out of all the powerful characters in Inuyasha, Kikyō was the only one Naraku feared, showing how powerful she truly is. I did crop some of these pics as she was nude upon her recreation, so some maybe a bit choppy. This is just Part 1 of her, I felt all the pics would be too much to upload all at once.


  1. Thanks so much for reuploading this Destiny Dueler. It's an awesome post. Kikyo is really hot and have a crush on the Inuyasha girls. Some really great scenes of her feet. ^_^

  2. Thank you, I remember she started my fascination for anime's feet since the first ending of Inuyasha (Those images are missing)

    1. They are in my previous post of her here =)
