Sunday, April 2, 2017

Avatar: The Last Airbender- Ty-Lee

Ty Lee was a cheerful and energetic girl who hailed from the Fire Nation. As the daughter of a nobleman, she attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls with her friends, Princess Azula and Mai. As a child, Ty Lee dealt with six sisters who shared identical appearances with her. This caused her to feel a loss of individuality, and led her to have a longing to be a unique, recognizable person, and a desire for attention from other people. Because of this, after she matured, she ran away from her home and joined a Fire Nation circus, becoming a skilled acrobatic performer and gaining more personal attention. I know it's short but I've been busy and I try to post as much as possible.


  1. God....if she was real id....*drool*

  2. Too bad we never got an explanation as to what happened to her after Korra.

  3. strange how such a flexible girl was rarely barefoot

  4. More content from Ty Lee would have been nice. At least we got a few scenes, though.
