Monday, September 25, 2017

School Rumble: Others

A small gallery of characters that don't get many scenes, but still have nice pics.

First up is Megumi Sagano.  She like to play matchmaker, but has no boyfriend of her own.

Next up is Sara Adiemus.  She is best friends with Yakumo; and is also a member of the tea club, a waitress, and a nun.

Third is Tsumugi Yuuki.  She is a member of a band, and astronomy club, as well as a subsitute class representative.  She is normally shy, but is also quite confident in her self.

Two unknown girls for the class perverts to photograph.

Mia Otsuka is a class representative and best friends with Yuuki.  My is overly serious when delegating her class representative duties; but also has a very imaginative side, often playing the role of a magical girl.

The Final School Rumble gallery comes tomorrow. 


  1. Great collection. :-D Wow this anime is a goldmine. ^_^

  2. I wish Shantae, the half genie hero had an Anime 😕

  3. Man everyone's getting the good stuff...time to rumage through my anime stock
