Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ronja the Robber's Daughter

JTurner introduced me to a series called Ronja the Robber's Daughter. We get to see the title character  (A cute tomboy) barefoot in the opening sequence for the series. ^_^
As a bonus,  Ronja's mother is depicted barefoot in the first episode as well.
(These were all taken Ronja the Robber's Daughter Episode 1. Once again a special thanks to JTurner for these)

This one looks like a fun series. I watched the first episode and it looks like this anime has a very high production value. It is produced by Studio Ghibli using computer cel animation and directed by Goro Miyazaki with that family's signature anime style. The English version of the series has some noteworthy voice acting too with Gillian Anderson (From the X-files) providing the voice acting for the series.

The episode I saw was mostly backstory depicting the birth of the title character. I didn't get to see what the title character would be like grown up but the opening credit show her to be pretty energetic and barefoot a lot so it seems really promising. Hopefully I'll post more of her in the future.

Ok everyone that's all for now. As always more to come soon!


  1. Replies
    1. This is just from episode 1. ^_^ You can take the other episode if you want or we could team up and split them up. It would save a lot of time on capping them.

  2. Wow, they actually showed her dirty feet! That's truly adorable!

    1. :-D I had a feeling that you would like this particular post.

    2. Please, keep posting more of her! I wanna see if her feet continue to get dirtier!

  3. She cute and still hope to see the one i request to

    1. Yes I really want to do Yuki this month too. I just hope I can cap her in time.

  4. Ah yes a famous folklore lass. Always barefoot in most adaptations. Ghibli, who does anime with barefoot characters is a welcome addition King.

    1. :-D Yeah Studio Ghibli really has a great track record when it comes to barefoot girls. ^_^
