Thursday, November 2, 2017

Resident Evil: Alexia Ashford 3 (Mega-Post)

You might have thought you've seen the last of Alexia the femme fatale from Code Veronica X but like any powerful monster she comes back with a vengeance.
These new scenes are from the game Umbrella Darkside Chronicles which revisits storylines from the older Resident Evil games with a fresher first person perspective. When the main characters in the game confront Alexia we see her shoes discarded on the side which knowing Alexia boss fights from Code Veronica X was immediately a promising sign.
Sure enough we are treated to some nice barefoot scenes of the character.
And because HD clip availability has come a long way since Alexia was last posted here... let's redo some of scenes from her earlier tributes with enhanced quality. ^_^ 

The two earlier tributes for this character done way back in 2008.

I just realized that I never posted a bio for Alexia the first time around so let's do that now.

Alexia is a member of the Ashford family. The Ashfords are founding members of the Umbrella corporation. For those of you not familiar with the Resident Evil series, Umbrella is the evil group responsible for various Zombie outbreaks in the games. Alexia is a prodigy possessing a genius level intellect. She is extremely good at science and became a scientific researcher for Umbrella at 10 years old. She is also shown to have a sadistic nature. Her and her twin brother Alfred were the type of children to pick the wings off dragonflies and smile about it. It is revealed in the games that Alexia and her twin were cloned from the DNA of the original leader of the Ashford family Veronica Ashford.  Alexia is responsible for creating a variant of the Zombie virus called the T-Veronica virus (named after the progenitor of her family). It gives a human subject enhanced abilities without making them lose their mind like the standard type of the virus would.

Alexia was so determined to perfect the virus that she used herself as a test subject injecting it into her own body. In order to become compatible with the virus, she had to put herself into Cryo-stasis for 15 years. When she awoke, the virus gave her new abilities such as combustion and the ability to transform into more powerful forms at will. Her goal was to use her powers to rule the world as its queen.

In a lot of ways Alexia falls into the hot villainess category. She's powerful, dominating, an attractive blonde and as an added bonus she is barefoot a lot. I don't know how fun it would be to work for her though since see seems to have no qualms running experimenting on the people around her including her own father who she turned into a psychotic monster. If she decides that you'd make a good footslave however... that might be fun. ^_^

On that note... let's end the post here. As always though, there's more to come soon!


  1. Hey KSC do you remember when I said that i would try to be friends with that one person well I can't because he talks to much BS and he doesn't know nothing about good female characters in anime so not going to work.

    P.S nice post

    1. ^_^; People like different characters. Not everyone will have the same favorites.

      :-) Thanks.

    2. I understand that but it's the way he said it I'm not saying that he should like the same character as me he can at least give them some love.

      You know you always have the right thing to say KSC i feel relax and good talking to you thanks friend :-)
