Monday, December 18, 2017

Catwoman Poll Results

I'm really sorry for the slow posting on my part guys. It's been an intense week.  In any case after 180 votes here are the results of the Catwoman poll...
I know that the results are a little difficult to read in photograph form so here they are listed out as well
It looks like the Batman Incarnation of Catwoman managed to steal this poll with 42 votes...she seemed to be the fan favorite. In second place was the Batman the Animated series Catwoman and the Arkham series Catwoman took 3rd place. Don't feel too bad for the other versions of her though. They all proved to have fans of their own and every version of her had at least one vote under their belt (even Halle Berry's 😛). I think the big surprise for me was that Camren Bicondova took the top spot for Live Action Catwomen. Then again she plays the most recent version of the character.

Ok everyone. I say this with every poll but I just want to give a really big thank you to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions. I'll definitely try to keep them in mind in the future and maybe do one more tribute to Catwoman's  "The Batman": incarnation. If I can find more material for Catwoman's B:TAS and arkham series incarnations, I'll post them as well. Actually it is save to say that I'll post any barefoot Catwoman material I come across. eventually :-D 

All right... onto some other tributes. A huge backlog of great stuff to post. I'll try to do the next tribute soon.

Thanks so much for voting everyone!


  1. Just in case you guys were wondering, my personal favorite Catwoman is Julie Newmar. She was the first Catwoman I saw and the reason I developed a crush on the character. I'll always like that classic version of her.

    These were my top 5 though
    1) Julie Newmar
    2) The Batman: TAS Catwoman
    3) Jim Balent
    4) Michelle Pfeiffer
    5) The Batman Catwoman (She very narrowly beat out the Anne Hathaway's Catwoman for the top 5 spot.)

    Anyway really great voting guys. :-D

  2. People actually like "The Batman"?

  3. I wonder what she would have looked like in Beware the Batman if CN didnt utterly screw over that show

    1. It would have been good to see. Would have loved to see a CG version of her.

  4. XD think I mentioned before I voted for Telltale.

    1. Yeah. She's a great choice. I like that version of her too.

  5. Gina Gershon brings sex appeal to Catwoman. I would love it if Marvel brings Shikata from the MTV Spider-Man to the comics, so they could reuse her in the future.

    1. Googled Shikata. She seems like a great character. Cool to see that she's voiced by Gina as well. ^_^
