Friday, January 19, 2018

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar: Yume

Yume is the Hunter of Haruhiro's party. She has a funny and friendly personality. She seems not to remember things very well, as she's always quoting phrases wrongly. Similarly as Shihoru, she has difficulty sharing her feelings. Yume has pale skin, reddish brown braided hair and brown eyes. In battle, she wears a Hunter outfit that the guild provided to her. As a member of the Hunter guild, she is given both a bow and a dagger. However, as she is not very skilled with the bow she tends to stick to short-ranged combat. 1st and last GIF made by xMaskaradax.


  1. I promise to stop bothering you about it, after I ask you this.

    Do you know if any of the other active members on here watch/read the characters they post about on here?

    The reason why I'm so curious about this is because I miss reading everyone's thoughts and opinions on the characters they chose and why they like them.

  2. Have to ask, why is "wiggling toes" a tag when this girl never wiggles her toes?

  3. I need to continue this anime i forgot the name of it but thanks to you GBW i can watch it and she really cute and cute feet to great post.
