Tuesday, March 27, 2018

CG Beach Short: Indice 50 (Mega-Post)

Match introduced me to a cute CG animated short called Indice 50 involving a family spending some time at the beach. The mom in the film is a really attractive woman who reminds me a little bit of Helen from the from the Incredibles. ^_^
Have to admire the details that the animators put into this frame. It's cool how they took the time to show the mom's footprint on the insole of her sandal.
(A Huge Thank You to the Master of Sole Shots Match25 for finding this film. ^_^)

You guys can watch the full short here:

I was reminded a little bit of the Mosquito Simulation game Mr. Mosquito watching this.  ^_^; I feel bad for the family at the end though not being able to really enjoy their vacation. The mom does look really cute though and it is nice to see some good close ups on beautifully computer generated feet. :-D

Ok everyone that's all I got for now. As always though... more to come soon!


  1. Hey KSC i have a question for you if your were in the world of Pokemon what pokemon would like to have and which one you would not want to have.

    Me I would like to have all the Eevee's and the rest of the Pokemon except for Mewtwo I hate that one to overpower.

    1. I’d want a jynx and a lickitung and a lickilicki...also a lopbunny but not it’s not what you think I swear

    2. That's a good question. I think that I would want a Charizard because it looks like a Dragon. I would probably like to avoid a Wobbuffet because I don't like its expression. ^_^;

    3. Charizard a good choice true Wobbuffet does have a weird expression but i like Wobbuffet because funny. :-)

    4. :-D Yeah I can see him being a funny Pokemon

  2. So when am I getting added back?

    1. I'm working on it. It should be soon if everything falls into place.

  3. Do you know more animated short films with bikinis?

    1. Sadly not off the top of my head. I'll try to think of some.
