Saturday, April 21, 2018

my contribution to this blog

hey guys
wazzup! lol
sorry I've not been very active on here in quite a while, I keep meaning to getting around to posting other images of Ikkitousen characters that have some nice foot shots in them :) but ya know life tends to get in the way
work life stressing me out, been battling episodes of thoughts of clinical depression but still going strong that's the main thing :)

anyways thanks for your patience with me, I'll do my best to eventually get around to sharing the ikkitousen character pics I've found, a few more of Shimei Ryomou as well (my fav!)
I might be able to contribute to this blog as often as everyone else does but if I can I'd like to be able to post more often than I currently do


  1. Welcome back, Martin. I can't wait to see the girls from Ikkitousen and their feet.

  2. Replies
    1. Hopefully, Martin can give some more love for this blog.

  3. Replies
    1. What's your problem with me?

    2. Nothing, I just wanted you to stop and keep that frustration to yourself.

  4. Awesome, one of the all stars are back, can't wait for repost, because I think the previous Battle Vixens posts are here anymore.
