Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Stories (Hikari Konoe)

This is what Hikari Konoe looks like in my stories I made years ago, she and Kio had an long friendship since middle school. She was 15 at the start and turned 18 at the final arc. Her height is around 166 cm in the beginning of the stories but grew a little at 169 cm at the final arc. Her favorite foods are rice balls, apples, carrots, and steam buns. She have no interest in wrestling. She is afraid of octopuses, squids, and rape. She hates unfairness, cheating, and bullying. She was initially a terrible cook and almost poisoned several people but thanks to her confidence and help for an old friend, she became a much better cook by releasing different recipes made by herself. She is really good at sports like soccer and baseball but horrible at physics, mechanical stuff and geometry, her grades are pretty average and not that special compared to the smarter students at her school. She and Kio began their very first friendship during the first grade but after Kio's parents had died in that tragic car accident during one summer afternoon in the fourth grade, Kio was forced to leave Hikari after they graduated from elementary school and they ended up not remembering each other since they were in separate middle schools. During the freshmen year in high school, Kio was being bullied by older or same-age male and female students, mostly girls, then Hikari saw the fight, and it was Kio along with other students getting beaten up for being weak and stupid, she intended to save Kio and the rest of them by talking sense to the bullies rather than force. Hikari saw Kio and asked that he was OK, he told her yes, then Kio thanked her for saving him. In terms of fighting skills, she was trained by her mentor, Tatsh, from sparring in the woods barefoot to jogging around tracks and trails, he believed that she would be an promising athletic and taught her how to take on sports fairly and not rely on gimmicks. But by the time, Hikari was entered high school, Tatsh left her behind because he had his own family business to deal with and she wanted him to be with her but Tatsh told her no and this is his battle, not hers. She never used a weapon in battle because her raw strength might break it and she prefer to fight bare-handed. She also has an imaginary friend named Maya Togashi, who look, behave and fight like Tohka Yatogami from Date A Live. She loves shoes and often to buy the ones that looked great with her feet, she is pretty knowledgeable to footwear. Her signature footwear are the brown boots in this picture, she sometimes wears them barefoot if she forgets her socks. She has an collection of shoes in her room closet from heels to beautiful wedge sandals and flats.



  1. Awesome!! She seems like a very cool character Custom. ^_^

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy talking about her as much I do. At least you can tell she has great feet.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't worry, this blog will still have Anime Feet images.

  3. That's Shiki Ryougi from Kara no Kyoukai: the Garden of Sinners

  4. So, you said Hikari likes to get her feet dirty, huh? Please, tell me more!

    1. I will. She sometimes fight barefoot and her footwear is like her limiter. After taking them off along with socks, her speed and strength increased tenfold. She can run and jump on walls.

    2. Awesome! As for how dirty they end up?

    3. Almost like Morgiana's soles at times. She can clean them up and make them more feminine.

    4. Well, as you know, I prefer she doesn't clean them. What makes them the blackest?

    5. Walking around the ground, mud or shoes without socks.

    6. I dreamt that her feet is dirty and sweaty at times and I want to play with them.
