Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Oreimo: Ria Hagry

Ria is an energetic young track star and was Kirino's roommate in America.  She came to Japan to challenge Kirino to a rematch.  


  1. I heard that Oreimo is polarizing and lukewarm in reviews of the anime. I don't want to jump into an series without learning about it.

    1. I didn't really like the whole incest angle, or Kirino herself for that matter. She wants to be the little sister character in one of her eroge and is kind of an obnoxious jerk. But, on the plus side I found most of the secondary characters enjoyable, It has nice animation, and a metric ton of foot scenes... And Manami laying the smack-down on Kirino during their fight at the end. If you want my opinion I don't plan on re-watching this show, and would definitely recommend Squid Girl over this. But, different people like different things.

    2. I see, Paganax. Yes, really, Dean.

    3. So Oriemo is basically Eromanga Sensei, only not as trash as the latter anime. Am I correct on that?

  2. I liked this show, along with its "sequel" eromanga sensei.

  3. Awesome Paganax. :-D I actually watched the series through and enjoyed it a lot. Mostly because of the characters. Can definitely understand the viewpoints expressed in the comments. :-) I was surprised they went so deep into the incest angle. I liked the take on anime culture and Ruri (Kuroneko) was a standout character for me. ^_^

    As for Ria... she's very cute. :-D

    1. I don't know if Oreimo good or not.

    2. It's not bad. I really liked it. It doesn't have a lot of action but the characters are fun. The lead female character is a Tsundere.

    3. I heard that it was awful in the end or the second season.

    4. I guess depends on which girl you were hoping for him to wind up with.
