Friday, August 17, 2018 Sucks! Sucks Now! Apparently you can't view much or do much unless you're a paid member! it's Stupid! This is most evident with Interactive Stories. It's Crap!

They say it's due to resource limitations,but I think they hate Free Members. We need to find an alternative source for our interactive story needs...question is,where?

Sorry for going slightly off topic,but this site has a history with WDC and it's Interactive Stories.


  1. Yes the resource limitation is extremely frustrating. I looked into the forum regarding this and sadly there are no immediate plans to resolve it. According to the Story Master, has grown to the point where they can't sustain the cost of the bandwidth and space the free interactives take anymore. :-(

    On the plus side it is a little better than it was earlier this year with the first 4 chapters in a story and the story outlines being easily accessible but we definitely can't use it like we used to anymore yet. Yeah I would love to have an alternative site to use too.

    1. Wait. I think I remembered an alternitive. This may or nay not have free interactive stories,but they have them

    2. O.O Have to bookmark that one. Thanks for it Stefan.

      I hope that makes enough financially that they can start making the Interactives free again but just as a safety precaution... I started backing up my Comic Book Interactive on Blogger here. It still a real pain to transfer all the chapters over but hopefully it will allow people to view the chapters when the server gets really busy.

  2. you have to sign in why do they need that
