Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Clannad: Fuko Ibuki

Continuing with the Clannad tributes, the next girl up is the adorable Fuko Ibuki. ^_^
Transformation Animation
(These are from Clannad episodes 6, 7, 8 and 12)

Students of Hikarizaka High School might occasionally come across a young girl in the hallway who would try to give them something strange. The girl is believed to be a ghost but in fact is Fuko Ibuki.

Plot Spoiler Warning: 

Fuko was in an accident earlier that year leaving her in a coma. Her sister was an art teacher at the same High School and Fuko's spirit continues to look out for her sister. Her sister was recently engaged to get married and Fuko wants her sister's wedding to be a success so she tries to get all the students at the school to come to it. To do that she carves wooden Starfish (her favorite animal) as gifts to the other students making friends with them and reminding them when her sister's wedding is. Nagisa and Tomoya befriend Fuko and help her to distribute the Starfish to all the students at school. As they help, the  two of them discover Fuko to be the girl in a coma. As Fuko's sister's wedding approaches, Fuko's spirit begins to get weaker causing the students at her school to become unable to see her and even forget that she exists. In a final burst of energy though the friendships Fuko formed with the students of the school are stronger and they remember to attend her Sister's wedding ensuring that it is a success. :-)  

After the wedding, Fuko's spirit would appear to assist the main characters from time to time when they need it. To signal her appearance, the anime would play a special magical girl transformation sequence for her giving using a party hat and her signature Star Fish carving to complete her outfit.  She does eventually wake from her coma several years later providing a happy ending for her character.



  1. I had never seen Clannad, but a lot of people said that it is soul-crushingly sad.

    1. :-) It is definitely an emotional series. Not necessarily completely sad but there will be moments in the series where tears fill your eyes.

    2. Yes, but did you cried during tearjerking moments?

    3. Oh yes... this is one of those anime shows that it is very hard not to cry while will watching.

    4. Yes but not all the tears are from sad moments. There are a lot of sad moments in this anime but some of the scenes you'll might find yourself crying from a joyful moment too.

      Like the hug in Nagisa's post for example... best anime hug ever.

    5. You had to be strong with this one.

    6. How much had you done to watch this?

    7. I capped the entire series. It's going to be about 9 characters.

    8. Why the whole series? I mean, you will have to memorize each scene. I'm not that smart like you. Are tributes have to be all of the female characters within an series?

    9. Sometimes it is good to get all the scenes. :-) It's definitely not required to post all the girls but if possible... it is good to be able to check off a series.

    10. Ok. But I sometimes do certain characters with the most foot content.

  2. Ok guys... Just got back and caught up on the posts. A lot of great stuff. :-)

    Also released all the comments awaiting moderation so hopefully everything is up to date now. ^_^

  3. I'm disappointed that there isn't a post for Heidi Of The Alps on here, I waited so patiently and it got shot down like an airplane in the sky, live can be so cruel :(

    1. Why can you do that post yourself? Not every post requested are going to be shown.

    2. You're not planning to do her anymore Custom?

    3. I am still doing her but Master Sam just won't stop begging me to post her. I have other girls to bring out so please DO NOT force me to do posts.

    4. Oh it is good that you're still working on her. :-) Yeah I think whenever you are ready to post her is fine. ^_^

    5. Yes, like I said, I don't want to rush through posts. It takes time to make something good.
