Monday, September 10, 2018

Clannad: Nagisa Furukawa

Ok... This next set of tributes is a set that I've been putting together all summer. It  is a series of tributes for the anime Clannad. To start things off,  here is a tribute to the lead character Nagisa Furukawa.
Best anime Hug Ever!!
(These are a combination of webfinds and caps from the Clannad anime episodes 8, 19, 20, 21 and 23 as well as Clannad: After Story episodes 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 22)

Clannad is a visual novel that has the lead character,  a student named Tomoya Okazaki, interacting with various women from his high school. The novel has alternate routes and multiple ending with Tomoya winding up with different women from his school. It proved to be really popular and was adapted into two anime series Clannad and its sequel Clannad: After story. The anime focuses on one specific romance from the visual novels Tomoya and Nagisa (the character this tribute is dedicated to) and follows them from Highschool into their lives afterwards. While the anime's focus is on that pairing, it does however cover additional storylines from the novel as Tomoya interacts with the other characters in his school. There are also two alternate outcomes shown as bonus episodes at the end of each season where Tomoya ends up with different women.

This anime is a very very good watch and deeply emotional (particularly in its second half). If you read the comments for it on Kissanime, it is very hard to find a person that couldn't hold back tears while watching it. This anime is also consistently listed on anime lists as one of the greatest Romance anime series of all time. 

Ok...Let's cover this character a bit. Nagisa is a sweet girl that Tomoya meets outside of school one day. She has had some health problems in the past which caused her to miss a lot of school causing her to have to repeat her last year of high school. As a result, all of her friends have moved on leaving Nagisa really lonely. Tomoya encourages her to start up a drama club where she can make some new friends. The two of them go through the hurdles of getting permission to open the club, recruiting members and organizing a school play. 

Nagisa is very kindhearted and sweet always going out of her way to help other people. Her parents run a bakery which Nagisa assists with. She loves a cartoon called the Dango family and has series collectibles from the series in her house. 

Analysis: Nagisa is an extremely likable character and it is easy to see why Tomoya would fall for her. The cast of this anime is full of attractive women and each one is likable in their own way. There are even moments when you might find yourself enjoying seeing Tomoya paired with one of the other women in the series but there is a reason why Nagisa is the female lead of this series. She is so charming and sweet that it is difficult to picture the male lead of the series being happier with any other girl. At times when her friends are having family trouble, Nagisa is the one who opens her home to other making sure that they can get back on their feet. She always goes out of her way to make sure other people are happy even putting her own health at risk to do it. There are episodes of the series where Nagisa doesn't appear and her absence is extremely noticeable. She is really a character that viewers can admire a lot. ^_^

Ok guys still more Clannad to come. :-)

Until next time!


  1. You're lucky to put this together and do you have to find foot content from every female character in an anime or cartoon?

    1. Yeah for the animes I watch all the way through... if a character has a good scene I try to post it. ^_^

    2. All right. GIFs are hard to make if they're not in quality.

    3. Yeah the programs Photoshop and Gimp help a lot with creating them. :-)

    4. Both of them are art and photo manipulation programs. Of the two of them... Gimp is the free one.

    5. Ok. Do you have to put in GIFs on posts?

    6. People like Gammy Fammy always want GIFs, he should know that not every post will have them. I mean, why not he make his own instead?

    7. Oh yes... I think it is understood that gifs are an optional thing.

    8. Yes because I only do gifs om certain posts I'm doing.

  2. You're insane, KSC, to memorize everything.

    1. Yes, not in a bad way but his posts are too perfect.

    2. Okay how come no one comment when I sent something.

    3. Msybe they're busy with other things.

    4. @Custom Thanks very much. :-)

      @Dean Just got back from a trip. A lot of the comments were awaiting moderation but they should be posted now. I'm going through the posts to catch up and comment on them too.

    5. For enjoying the post and recognizing that a lot of effort went into it. ^_^

    6. Oh. I hate my desktop because of how slow it is and I need to clean out the junk but it is still slow.

    7. I got back in October 2012 but it runs on Windows XP and can't upgrade.

    8. Oh wow... you've had it for awhile.

    9. Yes, I did. I really wanted to upgrade because I know my computer won't last long without support.
