Sunday, September 16, 2018

Clannad: Sanae Furukawa

Ok...continuing with the Clannad tributes, the next Clannad character up is Sanae Furukawa. If the character's last name sounds familiar... that's because she is Nagisa's mom
An Animation
(Caps are from Clannad episodes 8 and 19 and Clannad: Afterstory episodes 2, 12 and 13)

Despite the fact that Sanae is Nagisa's mom ... she looks more like her older sister. ^_^ Sanae is an incredibly sweet character. Like her daughter she always try to do everything that she can to help other people. She is shown to be pretty smart as well subtly arranging situations that ultimately help many of the other characters out without them realizing it.

Sanae used to be a schoolteacher but due to the fact that Nagisa got sick really often, she decided to quit teaching so that she could look after her daughter. She runs a bakery along with her husband Akio. A running joke in the anime is that despite it being Sanae's idea to open a bakery, she is not a very good baker. Her husband is aware of this and tries to warn patron about her bad baking when he thinks she is out of earshot. Sanae often overhears him doing this and gets depressed about it causing Akio to run after his wife apologizing. It is revealed in the anime later on that both parents are intentionally doing this routine in order to make Nagisa laugh. 

Ok everyone. That is all for today. Still more Clannad to come. ^_^



  1. Love the picture when she's put on her sandals and the Gif.

    1. You really love sandals, huh? What makes them so cool and why?

    2. It's not that i sandal I love when it shows the close up on the girls feet when they're putting on sandals.

    3. Oh. You like that? When girls put on their sandals and you get a close-up on their feet?

    4. I see. Close-ups on their feet are nice to look at.

    5. :-D Thanks Dean. I love seeing close up scenes where women are putting on or taking off their footwear too.

    6. Your welcome KSC and it's always a good Scene.

    7. Do you think close-ups on feet are lovely?

  2. The weekends are deserted when it comes to posts. Like there are less people around chatting here during the weekends.

  3. She's often bare foot, wearing capri pants, and that's what I like.

  4. How can you make Gifs move backwards?

    1. I just add the pics like normal to move it forward then add the second to last pic, third to last pic etc until the second image to get it to loop back and forth.

    2. Where do you use to make your GIFs?

    3. Yes pretty user friendly. It just takes a little bit to learn how to make it.

    4. :-) Your gifs are pretty good though.
