Wednesday, September 26, 2018

FLCL Alternative: Kana Koumoto (Remake)

After re-watching the first episode on Toonami but in the dubbed version this time, I noticed that there were a few foot shots I missed so I decided to update my old post. This one is the same but added in some socked scenes and one more GIF.
Here's a small bonus, this is from Episode 3.


  1. Pretty good though I wouldn’t waste my time with socked feet though, but that’s my opinion.

    1. No it’s just I believe people wanna see feet and not socks because that’s like a separate fetish

    2. You just want the barefeet of girls no matter what? Should socks be dropped altogether from this blog?

  2. Replies
    1. I mean, hosiery do count as part of this foot related blog, right? People kept complaining that there were no barefoot scenes in some posts.

    2. Good, I hate when people only want barefeet girls.
