Friday, September 28, 2018

My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute!: Kirino "Kiririn" Kousaka

Kirino is Kyosuke's 14-year-old younger sister. She is mature for her age with a cold, tsundere-like personality. She has a strong "little sister" fetish and owns many adult games with older brother/little sister themes, relying on a modeling job to pay for them. Despite this, she states she does not know why she started liking it, though it is suggested that she has a brother complex and is using the games as a surrogate to this. She often denies such feelings and believes the 2D and 3D worlds should be kept separate. As a student, Kirino possesses a keen focus to studying and athletics. This attitude of hers when it comes to school activities has rewarded her with above-average marks, even as she enters the career of modeling. She developed a sort of perfectionist attitude due to becoming an overachiever, which eventually made her more prone to struggling when the odds are against her. When these moments come, however, she displays a more passive side. Upon her initial interactions with Kyousuke, she demonstrates an attitude similar to a "tsundere," with the bossy and abusive part more dominant. Although she maintains this attitude, she slowly tries to open up to her brother at times, reluctantly expressing gratitude on things that Kyousuke has done for her.


  1. Replies
    1. KSC make sure to check last post.
      Why is it always different with me when I do the same post but when he does the same post it's a whole different story cuz this was already done by somebody else.

    2. Yeah I'm familiar with Oreimo so I remember when Paganax did this. Gumball actually drafted the character before him but Paganax gracious asked in advance if it was all right if he posted the character and Gumball was cool with it as was I.

      It seems pretty much the same to me though. I let you both keep your posts up. I just asked you to try not to repost characters too regularly.

      The bigger problem is that you are not checking the drafts and scheduled posts carefully enough which is why you guys are clashing over who gets to post a character. If you see someone drafting a character just let them have first crack at them and do a follow up post later.

    3. I do check the draft and schedule.

    4. Ok... just please check a little more carefully. This is the third fight that happened because you didn't notice that GumballW was already working on the character before you.

    5. Well maybe if he would take a break like a normal person.

    6. Or! Here's a stunning idea: check the drafts and don't post it if it's already being worked on. I do not know why the hell gumball is looked on negativity by how much he is posting. The blog has never been so alive before, and I have been following for 4ish years now. It's awesome!

      Of course, the biggest issue is how Dean and Custom look at this like a competition and that they have to post as much. But they don't!

      It just creates dumb drama that I'm so sick of seeing at this point. Like why TF is it a big deal.

      I appreciate the work of everyone here, but they need to stop looking at it as a competition.

      Gumball, you don't need to take breaks, and your not obligated to post everyday. Thank you for the posts.

      Dean, your not obligated either to post everyday. Just for the love of Batman, check the posts. And make sure to create a draft of something else not being done. You don't have to post every day...

    7. Yda, how do you see this blog as? Like why do you keep coming back?

    8. Yda, your right but it's not my fault the drama happens.

    9. With all respect, drama is mutual. And as ive already posted, all the drama has been at a result of someone not checking the drafts. The blog will run much smoother if the drafts are checked and the people who work on the drafts only work on that projexp.

    10. Yda, It's still not my fault that the dream start. It's the one who start having a fit.

    11. Honestly Dean most of the posts I see from you whenever I lurk the comments are pretty inflammatory/overly blunt even if you don't mean it to be. Also even if you don't start an argument, the fact that you reply the way you do perpetuates the argument further so yes I do think it's partially your fault.

      You're a moderator on a blog, show some responsibility for your actions.

      Overall I think my biggest issue with coming here is that I tend to see a lot of arguments within the comment section for everyone to see, and I don't think that promotes a positive vibe to be airing this dirty laundry that's probably none of our business.

    12. Unknown, it is not my fault argument start I'm not the one who's system and calls somebody a crybaby for no reason the arguments start because GumballW doesn't listen. He's the one who always throws a temper tantrum.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. She does have cute feet but I utterly despised her. Wish they focused more on the cute goth girl

    1. She was a spoiled annoying brat that regularly attacked her brother despite him doing all he could to help her.
