Saturday, September 1, 2018

Poll 81 Results

The 81st Poll of the Month has come to an end. After a Record Shattering 6764 Votes... Here are the results. :-)
It looks like when it comes to the Pokemon girls... Jasmine's feet are the most popular by far (846 Votes). Once she moved into the top spot she had a "Steel Clad Defense" and none of the other Pokemon girls were able to get close to her. In second place was the incredibly sweet Serena with 333 votes and the barefoot gym leader Maylene was able to lock in third place with 278 votes. Don't feel too bad for the rest of these girl. They all managed to have fans of their own and several of these women had over 100 votes.

As always... I just want to give everyone a Tremendous Thank you for voting and sharing your opinions and I'll try to keep your them in mind. All three of the polls front runners have some nice tributes on the site but I'll try to do a new tribute for Jasmine later this month.

This month should be pretty exciting. I have two new major tributes planned and a new column to introduce to you guys. It should be a lot of fun. I'll try to add in a new poll for September as well.

Until Next Time Everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Pokémon is one of the main things in my childhood and current adulthood that I am fond of, but this episode I've always hated. And that episode is "Pokémon Scent-Sation" The main reason I despise this episode is because Erika was total b**ch; she refuses to battle Ash just because he gave an opinion/criticism on her perfume product. It's an opinion, everyone has them plus she broke the first rule gym leaders enforce: accept every challenger. Who the f**k does she think she is?! And I was thinking this as a kid, was Ash kinda being a tool? Kind of but that's no reason to break gym leader code and to tell him FU. This episode made Erika my least favorite gym leader.

    2. KSC, you don't care who it is, as long as the person is pretty cute.

  2. I didn't really vote but i'm not a fan of Lana no more.

  3. KSC, I wonder if you drop the monthly polls altogether and do something else.

    1. Sometimes I take breaks from doing them but they are fun to do. :-)

    2. What if you got nothing left to show?

    3. Take a break until I can think of some good ideas or poll the visitors for suggestions. :-)

    4. What if you ran out of good ideas no matter what it is?

    5. I think the site is strong enough to go on. That said I have no plans to quit anytime soon.

    6. If you have kids or wife in the future, would you tell them about this blog of yours?

    7. Maybe my wife. :-) I'll have to play it by ear though.

  4. Replies
    1. Misty is good. I think my top 3 are May, Flannery and Claire. :-)

    2. I only stopped watching Pokemon after the Diamond and Pearl era.

    3. That's after me I think. I watched up to the Ruby and Sapphire series.

    4. I see. May and Dawn are the very last Pokemon girls I know.

  5. Wasn't an easy choice for me, but my vote went to Serena; however, I thought for sure Misty was going to get the most votes.

    1. Nice. Serena is a sweet character. Yeah Misty is the classic Pokemon girl.

  6. Awwww man, even after voting other, Zoey was not listed. -_-;


    2. Yeah she is really attractive. I'm surprised nobody nominated her for the poll.

    3. I wonder why, I don't think people care about Zoey.

    4. And that's why there are only a couple of foot fan pics for Zoey in Deviantart. :( So I just make more of Zoey's feet from bases.

  7. Jasmine ended up winning? That came as a shock to me! What's also surprising is that Bonnie didn't have more votes as well, especially since she still has yet to have a full tribute here.

    1. It was a surprise for me too. I thought the companions had the advantage for this. ^_^

    2. Yes, a surprise to be sure, but it's a welcome one, regardless. Hopefully, Bonnie will have a full tribute soon!

    3. Why not Bonnie? I mean, just look at her!

  8. Gen 1 Sabrina 4 life. Though Phoebe, adult Misty, and Anabel in Sun/Moon are great too.

  9. Jasmine was in fact an easy choice because everyone find her submissive which she kinda stands as a character and her iconic sandals.

    Other than that if I where to pick my girl choice from all pokemon characters above it's this girl
    **sadly she's not listed from your list but it doesn't matter

    1. :-) Yeah I think the sandals help a bit

      ^_^ She looks really cute too.

  10. I chose Misty, though there are tons I could choose from. After Misty Courtney from the Adventures Manga would be 2nd.

    1. Misty is a classic. ^_^

      O.O Courtney is a good one too.

  11. I'm shocked that Bonnie didn't win.

    Seriously, her feet are the cutest
