Saturday, September 1, 2018

Tales of Foot Festival

The Foot Festival series had be moved to Saturdays starting today because I thought of this during my Final Fantasy Foot Festival post and anime on Saturday mornings and nights are my standards lately. Anyway, it's time for another day at the Foot Festival, this time, it's the girls from the Tales series. Again, same rules still apply.


Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Destiny/Destiny 2

Tales of Eternia

Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Rebirth

Tales of Legendia

Tales of the Abyss

Tales of Innocence

Tales of Verperia

Tales of Hearts

Tales of Graces

Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Berseria


Tales of the Abyss

Tales of Verperia: The First Strike

Tales of Zestiria the X (Cross)


  1. Sadly I can't really help much with this one Custom. I don't know the characters in this at all. I think my brother used to play Tales of Phantasia on emulation but that's really all I know about it.

    1. You have a brother KSC is he in to Anime Feet to?

    2. KingsSideCastle, I am not familiar with the Tales series too other than the anime adaptations. Also, you have a brother? So do I, he's four years younger than me.

    3. I have an older sister and older brother

    4. Oh great why do we have to have that in common.

    5. I was referred to have an older brother and older sister

    6. Well, I have an older sister and younger brother.

    7. I have two younger brothers. One two years younger and the other 7 years younger. I am the oldest. ^_^

    8. Well, KSC, I'm the middle child since I'm 6 years younger than my sister and 4 years older than my brother.

    9. And i'm the young one in my family my sister is the first oldest and my brother the second oldest.
