Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Custom Images of the Top Three Contributors Waifus

Before I do my grand finale of custom images, here's a quick post of 3 custom images as a nod to the main three bloggers on this site.

For KSC, from Naruto: Ino Yamanaka

For Gumball, from Teen Titans and the DC Comics Universe: Starfire

And for Custom, from Guilty Crown: Inori Yuzuriha

While they were not originally on my convention guest list, they would now be welcome to attend it along with all my other girls. The grand finale will be coming soon, don't miss it. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm assuming Kat from Gravity Rush.

    2. I always wanted to try that game.

    3. The game itself is really good, I played the original Vita game and the PS4 sequel.

  2. Hey i'm still here so it's top 4 and my waifu Hikage from Senran Kagura.

    1. He said ''the MAIN three bloggers on this site'' like or not you're not a main because you're still a noob. Not a noob noob but a newbie you need a little more time on your belt. Plus I consider Me, Custom and King the main 3 because King is the leader and me and Custom post on a daily basis. I'm working on anther poster it's gonna have you, and Keychain I just need one more person to give us their favorite Waifu and a persona they'd like to take on or I find something that matches their name or personality so be patient

    2. Alright Dean, I found a good image of her, and she'll be in my finale. Cute girl in long pants btw.

    3. Thanks Dan.
      GumballW, But i'm not a newbie I just been very busy lately stop treating me like like a child.

    4. Don't worry so much, Dean, you'll get your chance to be on the spotlight.

  3. Replies
    1. Dean, I too appreciate you acknowledged Inori Yuzuriha on this list.

    2. You're welcome, Dean. Hopefully, you had enjoyed your stay at Anime Feet.

    3. I would say i enjoyed my stay but not really and this October blog day is been horrible because no one post anything Halloween related.

    4. Maybe many people are busy with other things.

    5. Glad you appreciate it, KSC will probably comment on Ino once he sees this too.

  4. I am surprised that I had quickly gained an reputation of this blog.

    1. Absolutely! That's why I customized her. I wished she would have had a happier ending in the series though.

    2. You seen Guilty Crown? I had saw it twice. Her feet is so heavenly cute! ❤❤

    3. Of course! Inori has angelic feet.

  5. Wow thanks so much Dan. ^_^ Barefoot Ino always brightens my day. Cute customs of the other two too. ^_^
