Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: April O'Neil

Here's the latest version of April O'Neil, it's different but than again I was never a big TMNT fan to begin with.


  1. As a TMNT fan, worst April ever.
    She looks more fit to join the Mystery Inc. from Scooby Doo.

  2. I really do not get, why they have to make her black. Nothing against black characters, I'm all open for that, but they really should create new black characters, not blackwash white once. This is not the same as creating a brand new black character.

    1. So true, I'm tired of this painfully forced diversity nonsense.

      And they never choose something different, like Asian, Hispanic, or friggin' Russian.

    2. Erich, I am with you. Why is this a problem?

  3. What's with the racist discussion? I don't see why different colored people are a bad thing in cartoons.

    1. Please don't get the wring idea, we never said anything racist about it, there's a difference, I assure you.

      And no, of course its not a bad thing, but when it comes to certain adaptations, some fans don't like it when they make a character different in terms of personality and looks, some don't like for the right reasons and some wrong reasons, like you assume we didn't.

      Trust me, it's easy to spot a racist discussion when you plain racial slurs about.

    2. "See plain racial slurs about it."

    3. I'm all for black characters in animation. But only if it's not forced for the sake of political correctness. If they force themselves to have a black character just because they needed one, they never really come out well. This is sadly the case with the new April O'Neil. The only reason she is black now is because of the sake of diversity.

      In my eyes the best black characters are always the once they created out of passion like Olivia from Pokémon, Elena from Street Fighter, Amalia from Wakfu etc. those are all dark skinned characters, but new once. Not white people that got black washed.

    4. What's the difference between for the right reasons and the wrong reasons? I want to know

    5. Well, now I that I think about it, it's also mostly opinion based, but opinions can negative as well.

      Example for the right: Why would they white-wash Shredder when he's supposed to be Japanese, that makes no sense.

      Wrong: Shredder is not a some
      stupid ugly [insert racist and offensive words here]

      Hope you get where I'm going with this, I'll go even further in case you didn't.

  4. By the way, GumballW, do you hate TMNT in general?

  5. Oh wow. :-) Radically different from the April I grew up with. She reminds me of the Superheroine Bumblebee a little bit.

  6. April is black now. Well, she's cute, though (& mayB we'll get ALL barefoot sometime, tho sandals is a START... So far, MOST animated April O's have been barefoot sometime ;-). But ethnicity should remain somewhat unchanged. White- AND all OTHER -washing is nonsense. CONCEPTS matter... REALLY a shame there's not enuff ORIGINAL asian, latino/a and, especially, BLACK charas. There's a real shortage ! Problem: Too long/often have creators shied away from opportunity (and if not, mostly males have come out. Luke Cage, Black Bolt/Lightning, Winston Zedd(e)more, Blade, Shaft, Barracuda and umm... yeah, thinking hard. Even much less WOMEN done, it seems). Was puzzled about the dark skinned Two-Face (BTAS) (,tho i still dig his portrayal, somewhat. BTAS did very little wrong ANYWAY...). Was Batman simply turned BLACK in Batman, Incorporated (or otherwise )? No, along came Batwing, an ORIGINAL character ! So, white Winston? NEVER, dude. White Shredder? Come OFF it... Black April? Say WHAT now?! See, it's off. WE NEED MORE ORIGINAL ETHNIC CHARACTERS. No one digs a white Blade, just as a black Catwoman didn't work out (ok, a lot of other factors killed it, rather. Shoddy script/ acting -and Halle was great as STORM, later. NO Gotham City. NO Batman ! The list goes on...) Anyone for a white Storm, btw ? NO, PLEASE ! There. Thanks for your time...
