Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san: Chapter 5 Highlights

Another chapter, another foot ability to show to us foot fetish fans, what do you have in store in this chapter, Komura?
This chapter highlights Komura showing off her skills in different clubs.
Athleticism: Komura is really good at sports with her feet in baseball and soccer.
Drumming: Her feet is talented at the music club holding four sticks at a time without dropping them while playing the drums.
Is there really a limit to how much Komura can do with her feet? Find out next time on Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san!


  1. I understand it's a comedy but even to a foot fetish like me some of the things she can do is a bit ridiculous

    1. It's just the fact that not only can she do these things with her feet, but do it better than people can with their hands

  2. I'm glad we got to see Komura's feet get dirty at last. Hopefully, they'll get even filthier!

    1. At least, you're happy now that her feet are dirty.

  3. "Handling balls my specialty"

    *chuckle* It sounded so wrong yet so right xP. Also she says "handling" but uses her feet, but eh, I'm just picking on a little detail here.

  4. Replies
    1. She always make foot fetishists happy and cozy.

  5. Just love this girl's crazy talented feet.
