Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san Highlights (Chapter 4)

Here's more on the foot fetish manga, Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san. This time, Komura shows off she can cook professionally well with her feet. Enjoy!
What an awesome way to make an bento.
Ahh... (open my mouth)
This chapter highlights Komura's two new abilities:
Thermal Feet: Her body temperature changes with different emotions (hot is from embarrassment to cold from her circulation)
Professional Cooking: She can precise control of her feet during cooking like molding an onigiri to beating eggs super fast to make them light and flurry.
I also notice that these chapters of the manga are very short like 10 to 15 pages per chapters, most of the manga I know like Crossbone Gundam to My Hero Academia are twice as long like 20-40 pages. That's one problem I have with Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san, it's too short for an cool foot fetish manga. What new foot skills would Komura show us next? Can't wait!