Saturday, September 17, 2022

Brain Powered: Comodo Mahama, Shiela Glass, Irene Carrier, Higgins Saz, Anoa McCormick, and Nelly Kim

Comodo is a reconnaissance fighter pilot who wishes to have her own Brain Powerd since she was jealous at her colleagues in the Novis Noa. A devotee to her god Ogoun, she always pray for strength in her battles and ask for a sign if she will be with Nanga.

Shiela is a Reclaimer Grand Cher pilot. She is quite zealous in following the ideals of the Reclaimers do to having a sibling who died during the Grand Cher wars, but in the end she realized that she was following the wrong idealism after her encounter with Higgins Saz. Shiela is very physically strong, being able to lift Higgins clear off the ground with only one hand. 

Irene Carrier is the medical doctor, acupuncturist and, in later series, new captain of Novis Noah after Capt. McCormick's disappearance. While she is a doctor, she was also a top officer in the military. She is looked up to by Hime since she has motherly tendencies in keeping everyone in Novis-Noa safe.

Higgins is the pilot of a yellow Brain Child. Higgins has a rose tattoo that reacts warmly every time Orphan reacts to a positive emotion. It is noted that she and Captain Laite are romantically involved.

Anoa is the captain of state-of-the-art warship Novis Noah. Her strong exterior hides the dark secret inside her because of her longing to be close with her own son Jonathan Glenn. But to her own frustrations she was always being ostracized by him. 

Nelly is a lone Brain Powered pilot whom Yu met when he and his Brain was damaged by the Baron Grand Cher. She gave Yu pieces of wisdom on how to listen and understand carefully of how his Brain feels.

Bonus: Unknown character. 


  1. Wow, you're amazing in that you were able to keep up with whose legs are whose in that opening clip.

  2. Gorgeous. Excellent post as always Paganax.
