Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Idolmaster (Series, Movie, and Art): Yayoi Takatsuki

Yayoi is a bright and cheerful girl who comes from a poor family.  The Oldest of six siblings she often has too take care of them.  To make extra money she does odd jobs around the 765 production building and is an expert at stretching the grocery budget. 

To see her oil wrestle Chihaya: Chihaya vs Yayoi Part 1
                                                  Chihaya vs Yayoi Part 2


  1. Welcome back bro and if you don't mind me asking, Where the hell have you been all this time

    1. I've been here enjoying the galleries you and the rest have been posting. But, I can't let you have all the fun so I decided to start posting the stash that built up over the last few months.

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